View Full Version : Help citalopram

11-03-12, 13:53
Ive had a painfull split from my wife all my fault silly behaviour. This was back in January , my doctor gave me diazapem to start with , now on Citalopram 10mg for 15 days.
Ive never had AD before , the last two week have been hell. Feelings of guilt increased , imagining awfull things , cant clear my head. Been back to doctor , had crisis team out to me twice. Off work for a week .
Keep being told its a low dose , still using diazepam 2ng as per doctor , that helps more.
Any help please think im going mad, im 39 male.

11-03-12, 15:28
Hi Nick,

I am on Citalopram 10mg and on day 11. 12 years ago I was on prozac but unfortunately this time it did not work for me.

I until 2 days ago had a terrible week or so. It is now however starting to fade slightly (veyr slightly) each day. Everyone is different and sometimes meds can take longer for some than others.

My advice would be to stick with it for as long as possible (thats what I have been advised by others on here) You should start to feel the benefit soon.

I know that it is hard really hard but you can do it. If after this you sre still feeling the same then you need to go back to your GP.

Hope this helps!

Kendra x

11-03-12, 15:38
Stick with it, these are usually short term side effects which do wane in time. You're doing the right thing by keeping in touch with your GP and the crisis team if you need them (that's what they're there for). A lot of people who had bad starts on this medication found that things eased after a couple of weeks. The time lag between starting and them becoming effective is why GPs although sympathetic seem reluctant to reduce/switch medications until at least a month or two. It's well documented I'm afraid that some people can feel worse before they feel better, try and remind yourself these are side effects, you're not going mad as you put it.

11-03-12, 17:16
I hope so , its the increased guilt and irritional thoughts killing me , plus sleep
Problems waking up every hour.
Its put more of a strain on my seperation as I act odd and panicky when i see my wife and step kids, arghhhh
The diazepam help though

11-03-12, 17:25
Hi Nick,

I started citalopram 5 weeks ago first couple of weeks I felt same , I suffer from agitated depression and acute stress disorder which manifests itself similar to problems your encountering, it has gotten a little better my mood is better.

The diazepam although helps try and understand they wont allow you to have long term so best use sparingly it really just masks the underlying problem. We all make mistakes in life so take time and apologise to your wife, sit her down and discuss the problem in hand with her.

Anxiety when new to the sufferer can play evil tricks with your mind , your not going mad and things will settle down.

If in any doubt dont shy away from the board you will get plenty of support here.

11-03-12, 17:46
I hope so , its the increased guilt and irritional thoughts killing me , plus sleep
Problems waking up every hour.
Its put more of a strain on my seperation as I act odd and panicky when i see my wife and step kids, arghhhh
The diazepam help though

---------- Post added at 17:33 ---------- Previous post was at 17:25 ----------

I hope so , its the increased guilt and irritional thoughts killing me , plus sleep
Problems waking up every hour.
Its put more of a strain on my seperation as I act odd and panicky when i see my wife and step kids, arghhhh
The diazepam help though

---------- Post added at 17:46 ---------- Previous post was at 17:33 ----------

I hope so , its the increased guilt and irritional thoughts killing me , plus sleep
Problems waking up every hour.
Its put more of a strain on my seperation as I act odd and panicky when i see my wife and step kids, arghhhh
The diazepam help though

11-03-12, 17:53
I think you have to address whatever is making you feel guilt Nick , if its something youve done speak to the person involved, weve all made silly mistakes in our lifetime and better out than kept in. That is if you have something to feel guilty about that is.

Anxiety tends to work on all the negatives rather than the positive aspects of life it can be cruel that way , try stay focused and distract yourself, if the irrational thoughts are of a dangerous nature , dont hesitate to go to your local A & E and speak to a member of their mental health team , or call the smaritans, even a close friend whilst your feeling so down , a problem shared is a problem halved as they say