View Full Version : hard spot under my arm skin

11-03-12, 20:42
hey all

i got spot on on my forearm no bigger then a pea(could be smaller)
its hard but moveable dont hurt and the more i push and poke it it gets smaller

was not worried about it to a friend felt it said it could be the big c

any help on this very helpful

thank you

11-03-12, 21:11
It might be an evolving zit!!
They sometimes start under the skin in a hair follicle before they develop a head.
It is most unlikely to be the big C. I'd watch it for a few days then show it to your GP if you are still worried.

11-03-12, 22:29
been there few months wasnt worried to my friend felt it and said something

eight days a week
11-03-12, 23:33
Is it on the underside of your arm? On a vein? If so I know what it is.

12-03-12, 00:04
no its like on my side feel like bit like fat

eight days a week
12-03-12, 00:20
It sounds like a cyst possibly (they are very common), just get it checked out :)

12-03-12, 00:53
My Mum has something fairly similar on her leg - she's had it for years; it started off underneath the skin and sounded a lot like yours. Now it looks like a small, slightly red spot. She's got no idea what it is (amazingly, she's the complete opposite of me and doesn't panic every time she develops something!) as she's never had it checked out but it's been there for so long now.
I also have a flattish bump on my shoulder that feels like a bit of fat, you can see it through the skin but that's been there for years too.

If I were you I'd keep an eye on it and if it changes, pop to the doctor. As someone's suggested it could be a cyst but I'm sure it's not the big C!

12-03-12, 20:31
its not change for the time i notice it
i think its a cyst they very common in my family