26-06-06, 20:52
I've not really had bad anxiety problems in 15 years, but even yet I still get the silly thoughts etc, if I'm in a stressful situation or something gets me down the I feel that awful feeling of bewilderment starting. I have learned to cope over the years by blocking certain thoughs in my mind, as a result I come across as to people as being thick which really gets me down, but I really can't be bothered thinking anymore as I don;t want to be tortured with anxiety again, can anyone else relate to what I am saying? And is does anxiety totally go away? or is it something everyone suffers?

26-06-06, 21:45
Hi Davey, I believe that we can fully recover from anxiety.
everyone was born with anxiety, it's just that ours happens when there is no real danger.
Hope you start to feel better soon:D

Take care



26-06-06, 21:48
I think everyone has anxiety but it varies from one person to another how it affects them. There are some situations and things that make people anxious e.g. illness, bereavment, phobias etc. Some people are more sensitive to anxiety than others. If you have chronic anxiety it can be quite hard to overcome it but it can be done with the right help and support. But there will always be times when anxiety will come into your life, we can't avoid it completely, the trick is to learn coping strategies and not let it build up into chronic anxiety all over again. It is a long process and one that won't come overnight, more's the pity, but it can be achieved evetually. I think how you approach it is really good and if it is working for you - brilliant. Da iawn

Take care

'This too will pass'

26-06-06, 23:11
Hi davey and welcome to the site -
I really don't think that anyone ever gets over anxiety. After all - some anxiety is normal. It's the way that some people's minds and in turn their bodies react to stressful situations that can cause anxiety disorders and/or panic. It is possible to retrain our thoughts and to have normal anxious moments. I haven't quite made it that far yet but I know several people on here who have.

27-06-06, 05:54
no i dont they really go away but in time you begin to know that they are not going to kill you and that in some what helps i went 10 years with my axiety gone tell a year ago but its starting to slowly get better again!!

27-06-06, 07:14
Hello Davey
Anxiety is part of our natural make up, so I don't think it ever goes away, it is even important to us and can save our lives in dangerous situations. Sometimes however the anxiety/panic response gets out of control and doesn't 'switch off' and so our bodies percieve every situation as dangerous which can lead to chronic anxiety and panic disorder. Like the others say, this can be made better through hard work and determination and so our anxiety levels and response to them revert back to 'normal'.
Love Helen