View Full Version : It's Crazy what your mind can do to you. Constantly diagnosing myself!

12-03-12, 00:22
Hi, well I've had this fear of blood clots for the past 2 years after a relative died unexpectedly at a young age. And ever since I've had a fear of developing one and of death.
It just seems like for the past few months i've been at rock bottom, I'm finding it really hard to pick myself up. Like usually I'll have panic attacks about it and convince myself I must be dying and I'll get over it in like a couple of weeks and be fine for a few months but recently i've been struggling. I never told my parents about my fears because I didn't think they'd understand, but last week I had a massive panic attack and decided it was time to tell them. They were supportive at the time because I was upset but now they're just well its like they don't get it at all. I think that anyone who hasn't been there and had constant worries and fear will ever get how an anxiety sufferer feels. Anyway recently Ive had this bad pain in my chest which goes up to my neck down my arm causing pain in my armpit and shoulder. Im really really worried about its like I can't help but google my symptoms either which makes things a million times worse. So far I have diagnosed myself with a rare condition called thoracic outlet syndrome as I have all the symptoms of it and this can cause a blood clot what a surprise! I also read a story about a woman who had a tumour on her artery in her neck and was seconds away from death. Im just sick of worrying ALL THE TIME! I'm 18 years old i should be out with my friends but I'm sat here worrying about life threatening conditions when all i probably have is a trapped nerve or something. Anyways I was wondering, like does anybody on here ever google their symptoms and then convince themselves they have something and it makes them physically feel ill/pain even more because they're worrying about it?
I wish there was a miracle cure for anxiety, I know I'm not alone i honestly sympathise 10 billion percent with people who suffer with this. I think its time I went to the doctors and told them how I am feeling and try to get some help with this because to be quite honest I've wasted 2 years of my life worrying and i don't want to waste anymore :( thank you for reading <3

12-03-12, 12:17
i read this-

Another important step is that you need to stop reading and researching your condition. Once you figure out whats going on and learn what you need to do about it then leave it at that. One of the key elements to defeating anxiety is to forget it even exists. The more you think about it the more it will grow and control your life. You need to understand whats happening so you can stop an attack in progress but don’t spend your whole day thinking about anxiety. Don’t talk to other people about anxiety more than you have to either. Replace the time you would normally be thinking about it with a hobby or anything really that keeps you distracted. The more time you don’t think about it the farther away in your mind it will be. Then when it pops up you say “its just a feeling and nothing is wrong” and your anxiety will creep back out of your mind. Practice this long enough and it will lower your overall anxiety levels back to normal.

12-03-12, 12:40
I know its hard to stop reading but really it the best thing for you.. only let your doc diagnose anything and listen to them 100% (i know how tough it is) allow your doctor to do the worrying!!!... really its is the only way to start stoppin this madness..
I am in the exact same boat so i know how your feeling, i am awaiting CBT to help me combat this awful life controlling condition...

Message me any time.. :hugs:

Pearl x

12-03-12, 13:37
Hi and welcome, you will find lots of people here who do understand how you're feeling. From an anxiety/tension sufferer, what you are describing sounds to me just like a muscle knot in your neck and shoulders. Those seriously can radiate all over.

12-03-12, 20:22
Hi, thanks for your posts guys! before I found this site I honestly thought I was the only one who suffered with this but yeah its nice to know I'm not alone so thank you : )

12-03-12, 21:18
I constantly google and it makes me even more ill.

I have alot of pain in my back, neck and shoulders. It can be aches, pains like a hot poker on my bones. I went to private physio and turned out I had a tight.thoracic spine that needed loosing through exercises and physio.

Private physio is always better and I pay 28 for half an hour