View Full Version : more panicking

12-03-12, 02:29
hi all , im at my witts ends again , i suffer with panic attacks and lately i have been feeling poorly , so i go to the doctors and tell him i have been feeling ill and he has decided to up my meds ,he is running tests to see if i have aoveractive thyroid so he has put me up to 5mg of bisoprolol , and me being me read the leaflet inside , i am slso diabetic , so the leaflet says be cautious if diabetic , so now i am worrying about taking them , i am lying in my bed thinking my heart is going to stop or my blood pressure going to be too low ,that im gonna stop breathing in my sleep , its driving me potty as i know i need to sleep , i keep jumping awake everytime i drop off so i then have to feel my pulse to see if im alive and ok . bizzare i know ,.:blush:
does anyone else have the same experiences please help ease my mind
look forward to sleep :wacko:

macc noodle
12-03-12, 02:44
Hi babycakes,

Well here I am too - wide awake after 3 hrs sleep !!! I too keep waking up with a jolt and instantly start checking myself out - it sucks :-(

If you are worried about the Meds ring GP and ask.

When u r anxious ur body goes into high alert and personally this night time worry is the worst :-(


12-03-12, 02:49
Macc noodle :

Hi thanks for the post ,I have docs Thursday as doing blood tests and another ECG , don't want to call as I feel like I'm wasting their time :weep:

I do hope you and I get some sleep soon !:)

12-03-12, 14:48
Finally dropped off about 4 this morning , what a rough nights sleep . .... But I do seem to be slightly better where panicking is concerned so maybe tabs are starting to have affect .although do feel very sluggish , but think I'd rather feel sluggish then the way I normally do .
Hope everyone on here is feeling a little better today too ... Much love xxx

macc noodle
12-03-12, 17:10
Hi babycakes - asleep at 4.30 and up again at 6.30am - gonna be a long evening for me .......................................

Glad you feeling a bit better.


angel wings
13-03-12, 11:29
hi babycakes

have you started the bisoprolol just wondering as i have been prescribed it and i read the leaflet too:doh: and haven't taken them yet i know everyone's different but have they helped???
all the best
angel xxx

13-03-12, 19:27
Hi Angel ,

I have been on bisoprolol for years ,they just decided to up them this week as I was still getting palpitations , they have eased the horrid feelings of a pounding chest so I recommend trying them , let me know how you get on .

What dosage have they given . 1.25 mg ? Xx

---------- Post added at 19:27 ---------- Previous post was at 19:24 ----------

Macnoodle had bad bad day today , walked up some steps , got to top , went into carvery to have lunch and suddenly felt awful , felt dizzy and sick a weird feeling in my back and chest , didn't want any dinner either so dunno what's wrong there x

13-03-12, 19:33
oh how i can relate to u all. its horrible

angel wings
13-03-12, 20:25
thanks for getting back to me ,ive been given 1.25mg but i dont really get the palps i have been having alot of chest pains and the shakes so i was a bit unsure cause most people have used them for the missed heart beats palps or blood pressure but i have low bp dr said it might take away some of my physical symptoms ??? also have been on cit for 7 weeks.
i do want to give them a go but worried about the other side effects it may cause !!:)
hope you feel better
angel xxx