View Full Version : Has anyone had low neutrophils/white cell count?

12-03-12, 10:10
I was tested in January and my neutrophils were 1.7 and so overall white cell count was 3.5. My GP said that 1.7 is fine and not classed as a concern.

I saw him Friday to get my iron tablets and he showed me my past neutrophil count and he said they have never been much more than 2 so I naturally have a low neutrophil count. He said he is repeating my bloods to check my iron in April anyway so we will see if it has gone up then.

My son has been unwell recently and my GP is concerned so he ran some tests and his neutrophil count was 1.5. He seemed concerned and wants to re check it next week, 3 weeks since the first test. I asked him Friday if he is concerned about my son, why not about mine, his answer was 1.7 is normal and mine have been 1.6-2 for years without any problems and it isn't classed as neutrophenic, so I am not vulnerable to infection.

My children are all unwell with a virus and today I feel abit yuk like I am coming down with it now too. When I googled neutrophils in children to try and understand it more for my son, I read that if your count is low you are more vulnerable to infection and you can't fight infection very well, there is a risk of serious infection or death!! Wow, wrong thing to read about.

So it has set my HA off a tad now incase I get this virus. It has been nearly 2 months since my last blood test, but GP says it won't have dropped toa dangerous level as I would know about it, and there is no reason for it to. He said it is levels under 1.5 where there is a mild risk, it is nder 1 or 0.5 where it is a cause for concern. I just keep worrying that we dont know if mine has dropped and I have another month to wait to find out:blush:

Any words of wisdom?:)

15-03-12, 16:34

15-03-12, 17:03
I've had a low white blood cell count before.

15-03-12, 17:23
Was your gp concerned?

15-03-12, 17:29
Mine where a bit cold after having a cold and sore throat then they went back to normal after a month
Jayne x

15-03-12, 19:39
I've been fine though so I'm not sure why they are low.

15-03-12, 22:46
I've had mine low before, it just means your immune system is low.
My doctor took me to a blood specialist just to make sure it was nothing serious.
They did a bunch of tests and couldn't find nothing wrong.
You probably just got over a cold or something.
Just eat a well balance diet . Don't smoke cigarettes, ect
Take a multi vitamin.

16-03-12, 08:47
Ive had low white blood cells & lymphocytes

No idea why,