View Full Version : Upper Abdomin Bloating... Please help, im terrifed.

12-03-12, 13:24

I really help someone may be able to put my mind at ease as i am going out of my mind with worry.

I am currently in Thailand travelling (you'd think being away from home would ease any HA, but alas, no!) so i think i am getting more panicked as if something really bad is wrong i am so far away from home.

So, for the last few days now i have had what felt like a swollen or bolated upper abdomin and also stomache. It feels really quite tender to touch. It basically feelings as though someone has pumped up a balloon inside me. I have felt sick but not actually been sick. now today the tightness feels to have moved up to my lower chest and it has not been so easy to breath (although i could put this down to panicking and the humidity!? Do you think?) it is not painful particually, just really uncomfortable.

I first noticed it after i had a meal the other night in a thai restuarant... But i figure it cant be food poisoning or the like as i would be either be sick or have the runs?

The other thing i thought could of contributed was i have been laying down a lot and (as i am quite large chested) the underwire of bikinis and bras could of been digging in my ribs.... Ridiculous????!

I also thought it could be trapped wind as i have had some gurgling??

But now it is day 4 and it is no better... Im so worried.

I have no appetite at all.

It is also a lot worse when i stand up.

If anyone has any ideas, i would be so grateful.... I am going outof my mind.

Thanks xx

macc noodle
12-03-12, 17:21
Hello this sounds like a mighty big case of wind !!! trapped and causing the bloat and discomfort - I have just posted about my problems in that department and your thread made me realise that I too am worse when I stand up and move around!!!

Are you constipated ??

You need to try and get some peppermint tea or just plain boiled water down you and see if it eases it.

take care and try not to worry too much - I really feel for you feeling grotty whilst travelling.

Thailand eh - how lucky are you - try and get out and about and enjoy it

13-03-12, 03:04
It's funny you would post this as I am going through something similar. I bought some fiber bars and have been eating them frequently over the past couple of days because they're very good - and was wondering why I was feeling so...off. I read the wrapper and it says to go slowly at first because of all the fiber and that it can cause this exact thing.

Thai food can be kind of rich, at least the stuff I've had, and in any case is unfamilar. I don't think this kind of digestive distress is uncommon at all.