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12-03-12, 14:02

my name is Dom.. I have a weird head so I found this site. I've never been properly diagnosed, but I suppose I won the whole bundle.. started out with panic attacks, turned into hardcore depression, turned into some social phobia thingy, turned into these weird like partial seizures or something in my head and has been going on since..

well that's me, anyways, it feels better not being alone.. even though in this case I'd probably be rather alone than to hear that there are people dealing with the same crap and even much worse

I found out some things that help (very slowly over long periods of time), for me they are no alcohol, lots of sleep, minimizing stress (of course some of these things are impossible sometimes), eat healthy, walk ever day, chew your food, concentrate on it, read, learn, hang in there, but most of all, ACCEPT it as who you really are. The last point was probably the hardest one for me. It took me about two years.. anyway, I'm way from cured, like today I woke up and felt I couldn't move a limb and was extremely anxious and went back to bed at noon feeling terrible.. I still have this weird pressure in my head and it's 3pm and feels like midnight.. buuuuut that's me and I know it will be better.. tomorrow, in a few years, or in a few lifetimes, who knows, but it will.. also doing what you're good at, whatever it is, but doing what "god gave you" is good. Slowly but surely..

mmm well I guess I kinda broke the limit for introduction, sry for that, I got carried away.. stay strong everyone! We're the better face of this world :)

12-03-12, 14:03
Hi dominizl

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-03-12, 14:12
:welcome: Dom.. well if you have a weird head then so do the rest of us here...lol. you sound level headed to me and are heading in the right direction.... I also suffer with anxiety/panic attacks/agoraphobia, but like you Im trying to beat it (not sure its ever beaten just laying dormant), through walking, healthy diet, relaxation and so on.
Im a recent addition to this site and its great to realise your not alone. there is plenty of support from people who really understand what we go through. I better shut up now or my post will be longer than yours.:D

12-03-12, 16:01
haha thanks, I think we chose the right path.. it's a tough one but I believe it will bear fruit.. I like what you wrote, just laying dormant.. well I don't really like it :D I'd be happier to beat it of course, but that rings truth, seems it is that way, huh? Have you tried any medication? I take these St. John's Wort pills, other than that it's just healthy food and chlorella and barley powder hehe..

12-03-12, 16:10
I was on prescription last year for a few months (ant-drug usually)... but funny you mention St.Johns wort I was just reading about those online yesterday, do yuo think they are beneficial? Been searching for some natural remedies to help with anxiety.

12-03-12, 17:38
Well it's kind of the thing my whole family uses. I want to go the "natural" way as long as I can so that's why I take St. John's Wort. I think it helps, though I kind of self-prescribed it to myself when I had really bad nocturnal panic attacks and at that time I suppose it was to weak for me.. but I've been taking it since nonetheless..

What helps me is really keeping a positive attitude even when I'm down in the dumps and living healthy. I feel once you start concentrating on one healthy thing, the others just seem to add on by themselves..

william wallace
12-03-12, 17:44
Another weird head here:welcome:

12-03-12, 17:51
A big, warm :welcome: to NMP

Pip x

13-03-12, 17:30
Hi guys, hello everyone, thank you for the warm welcome :)