View Full Version : Ugh...Not at my best

12-03-12, 18:45
So, back in February, I had my physical. Bloods were taken, and my white blood cell count is/was elevated to 13,000ish (normal is less than 10,000). My doctor didn't think it was overly high.

I wasn't feeling ill at the time.

Last Tuesday (three weeks after the test), I woke up with a sore throat, and phlegm in my throat. I started feeling as though something was coming on. I didn't get many cold or flu symptoms, other than some fatigue and a slight cough.

I'm still coughing, and I can't tell if the phlegm I'm getting in my mouth is coming up from my chest, or if it's postnasal drip.

My chest hurts right in the middle.

I'm going between feeling fine mentally, to thinking I'm having a heart attack, to thinking the elevated blood count is from a tumour. Ugh.

It's been a rough few weeks at home, which I'm sure isn't helping things.

Just needed to vent a smidge.

12-03-12, 19:10
Vent away - it's what we need isn't it? Can't help with your specific problems although I'm often coughing from allergic rhinitis - often gargle with cooled boiled water with a bit of salt in it, sometimes that works.

I've just started a book called 'It's Not All in Your Head' by Gordon Asmundson and Steven Taylor which is about health anxiety. Haven't read much of it but is really interesting so far (and reassuring). The other thing that helped was a little booklet from Northumberland, Tyne & Wear Health Authority called Health Anxiety, a self-help guide - you can download a copy from the internet.

Anyway, hope you're feeling better soon,

Lottie :bighug1:

12-03-12, 19:47
maybe your WBC's were elevated because this was coming on. Often the actual illness part of being sick is actually the last part. Your body may have been trying to fight this for awhile! Don't worry. If you Dr isn't concerned, you shouldn't be!