View Full Version : Feel like I have a balloon in my left rib!

12-03-12, 19:55
I keep getting this feeling in my left rib area my dr said its constipation, but it really feels like there's a mass in there. Like a big blockage. Feels like so much trapped air or something. Scared its a big tumour!!!

Lele x

macc noodle
12-03-12, 21:30
Is it painful? Can u ease it by gently rubbing to release any wind?

I am having similar probs with wind and constipation!

13-03-12, 07:08
It's not overly painful just always there..

I try to move things around and can hear alot of air but it's like it's totally trapped.

Is that like yours?

Lele x

13-03-12, 14:34
Anyone else please?

Lele x

13-03-12, 14:57
I had exactly this about 10 years ago that lasted for about a month, it was intense feeling of pressure under my left rib. I had ultrasound to check my spleen pancreas etc and all was fine. The consensus of opinion was a choice of two things either weird sensation from bowel as your large bowel goes under your left rib, so could have been wind but also just overly sensitive bowel or it was referred sensation from my spine as I have spinal issues.

13-03-12, 17:12
Thank you!

I get it all the time and it stays for days/wks at a time.

Just wish I could put a pin in and burst whatever's there.

Did yours just go away?


13-03-12, 19:19
I got it on and off for many many years. I even ended up in hospital with it because i also was getting sudden sharp pain as well and this is when I had the ultrasound etc .

Another weird symptom I got and can still get at times is the same sensation but its across my abdomen about tummy button level - it feels like a large baby is moving around in there but not at all painful but weird enough to stop me sleeping. Again loads of tests even had all the bowel cameras:blush: and nothing so itwas put down to IBS.

13-03-12, 19:21
I have this! I get it every day! Sometimes its so big that it feels like I won't be able to breathe. It feels and sounds like wind but I can't seem to get it out!

14-03-12, 15:02
Hi midnight

It's awful! How do u help yours?

Lele x

20-03-12, 18:34
Hi Lele.

I have similar symptoms to you, and was recently diagnosed with gastritis.

Have you been checked out by a doctor?


21-03-12, 19:58

I was given an edoscopy months ago and told I had that. What was your treatment?

Lele x

22-03-12, 04:23
I was prescribed 40mg of Omeprazole a day, but find it doesn't work too well.

I am currently trying Charcoal Tablets, and they appear to be working.

Occasionally I have Milk of Magnesia. I would recommend drinking warm water too.

Hope this helps.
