View Full Version : Cancer fear because of that TV advert....

12-03-12, 21:57
Hello there.

It’s been quite a while since I posted and I’m hoping to get some advice along with a bit of perspective if possible.

For the last four or five weeks I’ve been getting a bit stressed…that slow burn that lingers just under the surface. Things like changes with work and family demands have ramped up my anxiety and I’ve been feeling under the weather for a while. About the same time I’ve had really bad wind and looser bowel movements than normal – nothing stranger than this and no evidence of any blood etc…but, a friend of mine kindly drew my attention to that TV advert about bowel cancer that’s doing the rounds at the moment. This has only added to my anxiety and I’m really getting stressed out about it.

I’ve had a dodgy tummy linked with anxiety before but I’ve got it in my head that this could be something more serious…don’t know why but it’s in my head and I just can’t shift it. I don’t smoke, drink little and exercise regularly…at 37, I’m hoping that it isn’t anything serious to do with my bowel. My wife said that she thought such terrible wind and anxiety could very well be linked to IBS but I don’t know too much about IBS.

Does anyone know if this sounds like IBS at all? I’m genuinely freaking out and could really do with any words of sanity that any of you may be able to offer.


12-03-12, 22:19
Hi Dan

As the advert says you really need to talk to your doc about this as they can diagnose better

It could be IBS but we really can't say either way.

12-03-12, 23:25
Thank you for that Nicola.

I hope that others may offer a little more advice/opinion in terms of whether or not the kind of symptoms I'm experiencing seem to akin to IBS??

13-03-12, 09:34
I suffer from these symptoms and although I've been panicking constantly myself, my doctor says its typical of IBS. I've had it for 7 months! I think stress can bring on any weird symptoms and your body needs to adjust. You're probably fine though :) if you've seen no blood or lost no weight then don't worry! If you're worried see your GP and he will prob reassure you.

13-03-12, 10:04
Hi Dan,
I agree that it does sound typical of IBS which is made worse if you're suffering from anxiety and stress. I have had diagnosed IBS for a number of years and it is always worse when anxiety raises it's ugly head.

I know on here we can offer advice but at the end of the day you're still going to worry no matter what anyone here says so to put your mind at rest do go to your G.P. and have a chat.

All the best

13-03-12, 10:14
If youve had the symptons for more than 3wks then you should go see your gp.