View Full Version : anxiety and dizziness

27-06-06, 02:39
is feeling dizzy, lightheaded a normal part of having anxiety? i have this dizzy lightheaded sort of feeling and like im kind of just floating and everything feels like so unreal. its the worst feeling ive ever had and its my worst symptom. i also get very shaky and weak, my heart beats fast, i get short of breath and i tend to yawn a lot. if it is normal did anyone have this and would anxiety meds help it?

27-06-06, 03:17
It is a normal feeling of anxiety. Meds will help but no cure. The best thing to do it get a piece of paper and record your feelings and then write why you think you feel that way. Compare the symptoms listed on the home page and then refute. Write down they are anxiety and then sit and actually take deep calm breathes - lay on your back and continue till you have a calm feeling. After record how you feel now. Write down on paper, I have had these feelings before and never passed out. I have had these feelings before and never went crazy. Each time you face them they lesson. It is hard to believe but they do. Rate them each time from 10 being the strongest and 1 being conquered. I really hate to see anyone on meds unless it is sucideal or you can't function. I prefer Physiocolgists and my family doctor. This site helps because we have been there and then we have been able to share our experiences and what works for us.

Making sure you are eating right helps if you are dizzy and avoiding caffeine.

Hope this helps,


27-06-06, 03:47
i actually went to my doctor today and she thinks i have anxiety badly. she told me she cant give me medication for it because im only 16 but shes sending me to a physiocologist tomorrow to offically diagnos me and see what they think and if they put me on medication. the dizziness actually does disable me a lot. all i do is sit and lay down, and even that makes me uncomfortable. i had an ekg exam and my heart beats fast. i also find it hard to take a deep breathe it feels like i cant get enough air. and sometimes i hyerventilate in the shower when water pours over the back of my head, when i run into someone on the street without expecting it and after walking up stairs/running. im already failing important exams that effect my schooling and future because im so lightheaded and unable to concentrate and i just cant live like this. i really want to be able to walk around without being dizzy again and live a normal life like all of my friends. i also feel really depressed about it and i dont even want to do anything anymore. its the worst feeling ive ever had andi just want to be happy again.

27-06-06, 06:59
Hi Violent - I suffer in the same way - the not being able to get a breath in and feeling dizzy is all NORMAL - Its coz we panic we wont be able to breathe properly so we hypervenilate which makes us dizzy and feel unreal - we need to calm down and drop our shoulders and for every scary panic thought - replace it with - I FEEL FINE _ I AM FINE _ MY BODY IS JUST OVER REACTING _ I AM FINE - etc etc
I know its hard - its taken me years and I still get panics in the shower where I feel I will drown and pass out with the hot wat er- all NORMAL - so dont worry just try and float past the fear. Good luck.Love wenjoy xxx

27-06-06, 07:08
I'm so sorry you're feeling this way at the moment. The dizzziness is horrible, I had it constantly for about 4 months and it happened whether I was sitting, lieing, standing or walking. Its a common anxiety symptom and can be caused by your not breathing properly like Wenjoy said and also by muscle tension in your neck shoulders. Like tt says just tell yourself its only anxiety and muscle tension and eventually the message will sink and things will get better. Try to find some time in your day to relax and make sure you're eating well as low blood sugar can make you feel dizzy too. Hope you get some answers from your doctor today.
Take Care
Love Helen

emma chant
27-06-06, 15:27
Don't worry feeling dizzy and heart beating fast is anxiety symptons.
Try doing breathing exersices,and keep calm.
Thats what i do.

e chant

marie ross
27-06-06, 16:25

This is my worst symptom and the one that scares me the most even though i know its just anxiety and panic. I have it daily, i even have it now just sat here typing!!!

When i first was diagnosed i also had a constant racing heart, but my doc put me on beta-blockers which helped loads.

I know its a horrible sensation and and it does leave you feeling scared and shaky, but it can't hurt you. Try and take your mind of it and remember to tell yourself it won't hurt me and i'm going to be fine.

Take care.

Marie XXX

27-06-06, 16:36
Hia yeah can sympathise with you and it is anxiety that causes the dizzyness and the wierd floaty feeling.I get it quite a lot:( not nice is it at all.Try to be positive i know its hard believe me but just keep telling yourself ive had it before and im fine,try some shoulder rotations backwards and forwards to loosen the tense neck and shoulder muscles (thanks for that advice daisybun:D).It helps a lot.
take care cherylxx

27-06-06, 18:33
hello, glad to be of help cheryl. Yes try some simple exercises to release tension in the neck and shoulders that can cause dizziness. Also you can do other exercises called balance retraining which i did for a while that helped for my vertigo.

Take care

'This too will pass'

april tones
30-06-06, 00:15
Hi, thats exactly how i feel!
i have felt the same today! im forever yawning to get in air and makes me feel anxious, think thats what triggers mine xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com