View Full Version : Newbee to citalopram

12-03-12, 22:21
Hi all,

I was put on citalopram last week for the first time ever. 10mg starting dose with a review in 4 weeks time back with the doc.

I've been feeling very angry and frustrated for a long time, due to a few bad years with a lot of family tragedy, to the point where I look forward to nothing anymore and small things, like not having clean socks paired up, feel like huge problems and would cause an emotional flare up.

I hope they help get me back to the 'normal' emotional spectrum!

So far, I've not felt too bad on them; a little spaced out after taking them and a feeling of being wired, as if I've had a few coffees, but its the evenings I find I feel exhausted and my eyes are really achey. Anyone else had achey eyes?

Alibee xXx

12-03-12, 22:22
Hi Alibee

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

13-03-12, 07:39
Hi Alibee,

Welcome to the site, you will make loads of new friends and speak to people who will help.

I am on day 13 of cit 10mg and have seen an improvement. Still waking up on a morning feeling pretty crap.

On a night as I am waking on a morning between 4-5 everyday I am totally falling asleep on the sofa unable to keep my eyes open! They do get sore but for me I think I am just exhausted!.

Take care and keep us up to date how you are getting on!!

Kendra x

william wallace
13-03-12, 09:12

16-03-12, 19:01
I've just started citalopram at 20 mgs I too get these side affects as well as a aching jaw but from what I can gather this is quite normal I'm only on day 4 so I carnt be for sure 100 per cent hope you feel better soon