View Full Version : Healthy anxiety advice needed

Kal El
12-03-12, 22:45

I have never suffered from anxiety before until a year ago.
I scared of a 11hr non stop flight which is when my anxiety started.
At first it was heart palpations which ECG came back ok. I tend to sleep in a very aukward position where I cut off my circulation to hands feets etc and I get pins and needles not all the time. I felt victim to google symptom checker and this is when i came across MS and also learnt about motor neuron disease. I have never come across these diseases before and i am over 35. I started panicking and this is when i experienced the rest of the symptoms. weak knees, blurry vision, burning sensations, muscle twitching, spasms, internal tremors, body jerking when trying to sleep. Because I come from a hotter climate I was diagnosed with very low vitamin d of 18. I believe it should be at least 50. I believe low vitamin d can also be a cause for some of the symptoms I have experience. I have been on treatment for a year now and most of the symptoms have gone. I have seen several doctors and opticians and all say it is anxiety. The twitching and spasms has subsided but flares up lately at night when lying down. This is becoming concerning as it leads to me trembling and shaking quite alot at night when relaxed. I might be experiencing panic attacks at night but i dont have the heart palpations. Although I believe I have anxiety I still have this cloud over my head that I have one of the diseases mentioned. My
main concern is the twitching and spasm at night when laying down. I just wanted to know if any one else have experience what i have or any advice. Thank you

12-03-12, 22:54
I had trembling the other night just as i laid down i was scared out of my wits as i have never had this before and i ended up in A&E they said it was just anxiety. I found it difficult to understand how this came on as i was quite relaxed at the time. I think i must have been more stressed than i thought. The doctor in A&E said if it was down to disease it wouldn't come and go it would be there all the time hope this helps xxx

12-03-12, 23:14
Hey Kal El, my anxiety disorder started by giving symptoms like muscle spasms before and during sleep and I wasn't able to fall a sleep. Sometimes I wasn't able to sleep for 2-3 days. Then I was diagnosed with panic disorder and started using medication. It's totally psychological and nothing physical. Probably your body refuses to sleep, it's sort of an auto protection and it's because of stress. Mine was due to the fear of losing control and falling a sleep. I tried to distract my mind with other things before going to sleep, it may help you also.

I can recommend you to discuss a muscle relaxing medicine with your doctor. Those help a lot to relax and fall a sleep. Do not get scared of using medication. Those help a lot, meanwhile you train your mind to control thoughts and all.
Hope you feel well soon.

Kal El
13-03-12, 08:20
Hi, thank you very much for your replys and it is comforting. I speak to my doctor about the advice given. Thanks again

13-03-12, 09:57
I tremble and shake when my anxiety is thru the roof... and when its really really bad i wake up with numb hands and arms... last time it happened was at christmas.. my HA was really bad then xx

13-03-12, 10:07
I shake when my anxiety is high , it comes in waves of shivers .
Then I get a trembling sensation too , like internal , you can't see it but I can feel it.
At night you are much more aware of anxiety and symptoms .
Also you may start to associate bed time with fear/anxiety so it can end up triggering off the anxiety .