View Full Version : Reflexology

13-03-12, 09:27
Anyone tried Reflexology for their Anx?
Ive been recommended it, so got appt on friday...

13-03-12, 12:56
worth a go

13-03-12, 18:43
Ive read lots of positive stuff about it, so happy to give it a go, although £35 an hour !!!!! if i like it, will only be going once a month !!!

13-03-12, 18:50
what does it involve Stormsky ?

13-03-12, 18:56
its foot massage... certain points in feet relate to all parts of body...see pic


conditions that can be helped are:

Bad back (recurring or one off pain)
Neck pain
Shoulder complaints
Stress and Anxiety
Hormonal conditions
Headache and Migraine
Joints, Muscles, general aches and pains
Ligament disorders
General Relaxation

How does it work?

Reflexology can aid recovery, even from chronic conditions. There are more than 2,700 nerve endings in your feet and these get blocked over time and work less efficiently than designed. A Reflexologist can detect tiny “crystal” or “gritty” deposits and works to remove them. This allows the nerves to function more effectively, thus the relative point (muscle etc) receives the right information from the nerves and can function properly. Another way of looking at it is as if the nerve is a lock gate on a canal, in order for the water to flow you must open the lock gate.
Reflexology is based on the principle that there are reflex areas on the feet which correspond to all organs glands and parts of the body. In fact, the entire body and all its systems are mapped out on the feet. Applying pressured stimulation with the hands to these reflex points may help restore and maintain the body's natural balance. This in turn creates a feeling of vitality, relaxation and well-being.

13-03-12, 19:25
keep us posted how you get on , sounds interesting and if it works well give anything a go wouldn't you :)

13-03-12, 19:27
sounds too good to be true, but my mum and a friend of mine recommend it, so have to try...im going friday, so will let you know!

13-03-12, 22:32
I'm really interested to know how this goes too - always worth trying anything really. The only downer as you say is the price.

13-03-12, 23:14
I tried it once Stormsky, lovely at the time but gave me an awful migrane afterwards, apparently this can happen....discuss any issues with the therapist before your treatment just to be on the safe side, and drink some water before and after. Hopefully you will find it beneficial. Enjoy :)

---------- Post added at 23:14 ---------- Previous post was at 23:09 ----------

also if you have a local college nearby that teaches Beauty Therapy, they may do these treatments at a reduced cost to members of the public. I work in the hair & beauty dept at a local college, this is part of a Level 3 course and the students will be quite experienced and supervised by a subject expert teacher at all times.

13-03-12, 23:14
Hey Stormsky, I'm a reflexologist and think you will benefit from it and if nothing else, it will relax you for a while :) It really is heavenly to have done! Enjoy x