View Full Version : early days on Sertraline

Mo B
13-03-12, 10:51
Hi Im new on here and have been looking at this forum for a while. It :)seems nice to have other people to talk to experiencing the same things! I have been taking Lustral for just over 3 wks now and am still having anxiety and not sleeping for longer than 3-4 hrs at night. Wake at about 4am with silly irrational anxious thoughts but trying to tell them to go away as i dont want to listen ! Sometimes it works / sometimes not:weep:

This is my second bout of anxiety/dep after feeling great for the last 4 yrs. I was on citalopram last time which worked well but side effects to start were horrible so doc suggested Sert. as patients do not report as bad affects. So far they havent been as bad so so far so good although this morning it seemed to make me feel suddenly zonked and sickly. Im off work at mo and so having to keep myself busy which is getting a little easier so maybe its beginning to work. Anxiety not as bad also. Hope everyone else is doing ok . Would love to see a bit of encouragement from someone .

FACE,ACCEPT & FLOAT (advice from the wonderful CLAIRE WEEKES books)

13-03-12, 10:52
Hi Mo B

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

rock chick
13-03-12, 11:01
It's been so long ago that I started Zoloft I can't remember the early weeks in terms of how it affected me but don't worry too much just yet about it not doing what you want, it takes generally at least a month to start to make a difference as well as possible side effects getting less and/or going away. I hope you start feeling better and not sick anymore and welcome to this great site.:welcome:

Mo B
13-03-12, 19:59
Thanks for your welcome Rock Chick. Hope all is ok with you.
Ive had anxiety on and off for many years. Im disappointed that it has returned again after a few years without. I am at "that funny age" as well which doesnt help! Have continued to feel a bit blocked and spacey all day but sickness has abated and anxiety seems less. I just feel flat at the moment. Hope tomorrow is better.:)

13-03-12, 20:17
Hi Mo and :welcome:

Pip xx

13-03-12, 20:31
Hi Mo :welcome: I am on day 19 of sirt and I am like you finding the anxiety high and waking early I am on 50mg I did got upto 100 for a week and I was in a bad way so went back down to 50mg. It is the waiting game now hoping they work.

Good luck

Cathy xx:hugs:

william wallace
13-03-12, 20:57
Day 15 for me Mo, and like Cathycrumble I increased too soon from 50 to 100. Take your time with it and one morning you'll wake up and the anxiety will be gone:hugs:

rock chick
14-03-12, 02:23
To be honest I didn't really feel antidepressants would do much for general anxiety. I started taking them years ago for OCD and they made that more bearable but after reading more about them more recently and how they helped others with anxiety I decided to up my dose (I was supposing to be taking 200mg a day anyway but I been only taking 100mg for ages, so I just went back to what I was supposed to be taking) and somehow I feel it has made at least a small difference.

However since I also take Xanax it's kinda hard to tell but I do feel a bit better than say a month ago.

14-03-12, 08:05
Welcome Mo - me too on Sertraline taking 50mg at the moment but doc wants me on 100mg - doing in my way - because I don't want those side effects - have had enough of them lately.

You'll meet loads of people in the same boat!

Laura x:welcome:

Mo B
14-03-12, 08:31
Thank you so much everyone for your support and comments. I got up about an hour ago had breakfast and have taken my tablets (Im' on BP tabs as well but have been on these for years and am ok with them. I woke up early again and at first was quite calm but then got more edgy. Oh well this will go eventually . I remember from last time the first time I awoke without anxiety . It was great . One day!! It is helpful to have other people who understand to talk to. Last time I had a friend at work who had been through it all and we were a great help to each other. Its waiting for the tabs to work thats the killer, although I know I have to work at it myself also and change my thought patterns from negative,doom laden thoughts to positive ones. Hope you all have a good day. Hang on in there. IT WILL get better:hugs:

14-03-12, 08:58
Thanks Mo - yes we will get there - just takes time unfortunately! Laura x

Mo B
15-03-12, 08:44
Hi Laura

See youre online this morning. How are you? How long have you been on the Sertraline? This is my fourth week. I felt better yesterday but seem to have gone down a bit today. A bit more anxious than I have for a few days. I have a couple of things coming up which I am worrying about. A holiday in 2 weeks time to Fuerteventura with my hubby and son & family. Its to celebrate our Ruby Wedding !! I was so looking forward to this ,planned it for ages but now am terrified I wont cope. When Im feeling optimstic I think I can ,might as well feel rotten in better surroundings, but in the throws of morning anxiety I panic. Im hoping will feel better in 2weeks.

15-03-12, 08:53
Hi Mo

Well it day 13! still on 50mg but didn't feel too bad yesterday - best day I have had in a while - see what today brings.

My doctor wants me on 100mg but I am breaking in half and doing gradually.

I am sure you will be fine for your holiday - what dose Mo are you on? and when did you start to feel a bit normal! Still be having anxiety but hope this will subside - think the key is motivation but it is hard.

Two weeks is still a little way off - then it will be 6 weeks you have been on the medication - will have kicked in a bit more.

Hope you have a good day.

Laura x

Mo B
15-03-12, 09:24
Im on 50mg. Started on that from day 1.and started to feel a bit better a few days ago( wouldnt say normal though!) Doc hasnt said she wants me to up the dose but I see her on Monday and if I have to I will do it slowly like you. I did that last time when coming off Citalopram, took ages, despite the doc saying "oh just stop" when Id got to 10MG. I didnt have many withdrawal symtoms because of this. If docs had taken these meds themselves they wouldnt be so gungho(is that a word?) lol. Maybe Im a just a big baby when it comes to medications. They seem to have more effect on me than alot of other people !lol or maybe im just paranoid. Have a good day x:)

15-03-12, 09:44
Yes Mo - I agree up the dose very very slowly - I have suffered with terrible side effects and sometimes I lose faith in doctors - my gp wanted me to start on 100mg!! Totally stupid - doing it my way this time - lol! Like Citalopram - you have to taper slowly - sometimes I don't think they are clued on antidepressants. You have a good day too.


15-03-12, 10:14
Hi Mo B

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Hi, im new also, spotted this post and thought i'd come on. I've been on Sertraline for a few months now due to depression and anxiety issues. Currently on 100mg and due to recent panic attacks after coming out of a 2yr relationship, now added a beta-blocker Protanolol (think thats the spelling) to the mix .... I've had no side effects so far. Do feel tired a lot but I think thats down to my depression and the panic attacks which leave me drained.

Good luck and hope you feel better soon.

15-03-12, 10:56
Thank you so much everyone for your support and comments. I got up about an hour ago had breakfast and have taken my tablets (Im' on BP tabs as well but have been on these for years and am ok with them. I woke up early again and at first was quite calm but then got more edgy. Oh well this will go eventually . I remember from last time the first time I awoke without anxiety . It was great . One day!! It is helpful to have other people who understand to talk to. Last time I had a friend at work who had been through it all and we were a great help to each other. Its waiting for the tabs to work thats the killer, although I know I have to work at it myself also and change my thought patterns from negative,doom laden thoughts to positive ones. Hope you all have a good day. Hang on in there. IT WILL get better:hugs:

Hi Mo and :welcome: I am on sertraline been on it 3 weeks this morning I have woken very anxious so feel as if I have taken a step back. But I have got to keep positive.

I was reading that you take BP tablets I have just started them and it was the fact I got BP that made me nervouse. I was just wandering do you get nervous when having it taken? I do I have bad white coat syndrome. Just wandered how you handle it. I am 58 and have just gone through a marriage break up and lost my job so lots to handle.

Cathy xx

15-03-12, 11:10
Thanks for that post Storm Kitten - do you think they are helping you?

Hi Cathy - yes everyday is different - keeping busy is the key - I was busy yesterday and did feel better - not so sure today. Luv Laura x

15-03-12, 11:29
Oh Laura that is what gets me down not knowing what each day will bring but I must keep busy like you said.

How did you wake up this morning do you have a nervey tummy?

Cathy xx

15-03-12, 11:32
Hi Cathy - no I didn't feel anxious this morning - had to take puppy to the vets but since I have got back feel a bit down - wondering how to fill the day - awful isn't it? Do you feel the same?

15-03-12, 11:43
Yes exactly bloody horrible

I must get going and stop moping.

Do you feel you are getting better? when do you think you will up your dose?

Cathy xx

15-03-12, 12:19
Hey Mo B, welcome!
Sertraline is an effective substance with less side effects. I was on sertraline 3 years ago and felt none of the side effects, and now started again 6 days ago, and once again not feeling too much negative effects (only a little dizzy and lightheaded at first, but they are already gone).

Try not to think about those side effects. There are low chances of having those side effects, unless you think about them a lot.
You will feel very good effects of sertraline a month later, just don't give up.

Feel free to post anything in your mind, we will gladly support.

Mo B
15-03-12, 13:33
Hi Cathy

I also have white coat syndrome! Its really silly isnt it but no matter what I tell myself i still churn waiting to have my readings done. i have bought myself a b/p machine and take my own readings now and take them to the nurse . She still takes it though but it takes the pressure off a bit as they can see its ok normally. Ive been on them for years. I am having a bad day today, a bit down and anxious occasionally but thats the way it goes. Its disappointing when youve had a couple of relatively good days. I make myself go out for as long as poss every day, wish the sun would come out though. we've had none for a while here! Im 59 and soon to be 60 and in serious denial. Ive had work probs and recently my sister was diagnosed with cancer. I think that is what tipped the scales. Anyway its good news as they have managed to remove it all for her and no treatment reqd. Now Im the one who is in a mess!! Anyway chin up chuck tomorrow is another day. :) x Nice to know theres a few of us in the same boat (well not really -but you know what i mean LOL x

16-03-12, 13:16
hi everyone not long joined site, am on sertraline Doc just upped dose to 100mg, after 3 weeks on 50mg, biggest side effect though diarrhoea since I started them, still get anxious and down, head wants to do things, body doesn't. Get up and go totally gone. Any tips????

Mo B
16-03-12, 16:07

Yes it really is hard going at the beginning. I havent had the runs but as Im normally a bit the other way it seems to have helped me in that area. lol. My side effects have been increase in anxiety, a bit trembly and speede up at times. Sometimes my head feels thick /muzzy , sometimes ok. Also get feelings of exhaustion at times. Trouble is dont know which is medication and which is anxiety/depression :shrug:Weve just got to get through this and hope for the best I suppose. Ive been on 50mg for nearly 4 weeks.Have times when I feel ok and think this is it! but then next morning reality floods in and down I go again. I am trying to change my thought patterns to positive instead of negative but boy is it hard. Its the only way to go though. Keep on truckin:hugs:x

donna x
16-03-12, 22:25
Hi, i started sertraline 50mg today along with propranolol 80mg. I got myself in a right state before taking them this morning, then all day I was waiting on the side effects. This is making my anxiety worse. I'm sure in a couple of days I will feel better. Its just with all you read about medication I can't help but worry. I'm sure we will all get there. I'm now worrying about going to sleep, I have a fear of going to sleep and not waking up.

17-03-12, 08:27
Hi Donna - welcome - yes I am on Sert 50mg too - there is quite a few of us on here - day 14 for me but will up the dose at the end of the month.

Yes we look out for the side effects don't we - tbh just had very very slight sicky feeling but nothing I could not handle and felt tired too. Keep us posted - just waiting for lift off!

Regards Laura x

Mo B
20-03-12, 08:36
:hugs:Hi everyone. Hope all are well. Im not too good today. I feel a bit strange, cant put my finger on it really. Morning anxiety again today. Does anyone have any ideas when this gets better? Also I cant sleep above 3-4 hrs every night. When I wake up Im really anxious and its too early to get up really to take my mind off things. Takes quite a while to get on top of things usually and sometimes I can then have a reasonable day. I think its the effort of constantly trying to rise above it that gets so wearying. Oh dear I do sound depressed today. :weep:Sorry for this missive but just need to get things off my chest. Hubby just gone to work and it took me all my time today to beg him to stay at home. Hope things will improve later on Im going to try and keep busy and get out of this silly frame of mind. The Sertraline side effects seem to be getting a bit worse . Is this normal. I thought they would slowly decrease but I seem to be getting fresh ones all the time. maybe its just me and my frame of mind at the moment. I was having some good days as well.!

Mo x


donna x
20-03-12, 10:44
Hi Mo,

I am only on day 5 on sertraline and today is a better day. I’m still feeling sick but a bit more “high” instead of the drowsy feeling I had yesterday. I’m also not sleeping much either have trouble getting to sleep like last night I saw 3 o clock or waking up really early. A friend recommended a cognitive therapy centre relaxation CD which I am going to try. I’m just going to keep trying to have positive thoughts today but sometimes I just can’t decide if how I feel is the anxiety or the tablets. I am at work trying to carry on as normal as I have a lot of support at work. We have to persevere because we will come out of this the other side. I know its tough but we are all here to help each other and to try and enjoy the good days when they come along. :bighug1:

Take care,

Mo B
20-03-12, 10:53
Thanks for that Donna. I know you are right. I think the not sleeping thing is getting me down a bit as feel exhausted later in day. Glad you are feeling a bit better

Mo x:hugs:

20-03-12, 11:22
Hi everyone we are all in the same boat but just remember our anxiety is going to take a while to go so dont blame it all on the sert.

All I can say is they are not as bad as the prozac and the cit I was on they were horendous SE

As far as sleeping goes I think that gets better.

I went to bed at midnight and woke at 7.30 so that was good. but i did wake with the nervy tummy this morning

But when I stayed at my chaps at the weekend I didnt have the nervy tummy so I think if you have distraction it helps. I am on 50mg at the moment. See how I go on.

Cathy xx

---------- Post added at 11:22 ---------- Previous post was at 11:16 ----------

Hi Cathy

I also have white coat syndrome! Its really silly isnt it but no matter what I tell myself i still churn waiting to have my readings done. i have bought myself a b/p machine and take my own readings now and take them to the nurse . She still takes it though but it takes the pressure off a bit as they can see its ok normally. Ive been on them for years. I am having a bad day today, a bit down and anxious occasionally but thats the way it goes. Its disappointing when youve had a couple of relatively good days. I make myself go out for as long as poss every day, wish the sun would come out though. we've had none for a while here! Im 59 and soon to be 60 and in serious denial. Ive had work probs and recently my sister was diagnosed with cancer. I think that is what tipped the scales. Anyway its good news as they have managed to remove it all for her and no treatment reqd. Now Im the one who is in a mess!! Anyway chin up chuck tomorrow is another day. :) x Nice to know theres a few of us in the same boat (well not really -but you know what i mean LOL x

I hope your day goes well as the mornings are somtimes hard to deal with.

And thanks for your advice about the Bp fear. I am having CBT for help with it I find I can't take it myself lol as i get nervous at home also.

Just see how I go and keep calm.

Cathy xx