View Full Version : Major setback... this time its worse

13-03-12, 11:43
I was always an introverted shy kid and I got proper anxiety when i was around 18 (im 30 now). i managed to work through it using 'Claire Weekes' book and I was recovered. The only real times I had anxiety since then were on holiday and after drinking. Hangovers were always the worst. But otherwise I was doing well. I have two degrees and held jobs ever since i was 16 doing new things, meeting new people, new situations every day.

That was until the end of last year. I finally 'cracked' in Novemeber and it really peaked over christmas with really bad panic attacks and physical depletion. Thing is it was actually never that bad the first 4 years I had it originally.

I seem to have a greater fear of the anxious symptoms and panic this time. I also have no safety net anymore, and this is the scariest thing. I no longer get the reassurance and comfort I had before from being at home, in my bed, or even from going to the doctor or hospital. I have the intense fear that when I get anxious or panic I have no place to go. It leaves me so restless and the fear-on-fear cycle builds.

I had every confidence that I would overcome it again but that confidence has waned. I fear everything. Even going in to hospital. I woke up last night early in the morning and had a panic attack. I just cant seem to control like I could before.

I guess I am looking for a little reassurance. I have diazepam but i'm afraid to take that when i am anxious! I did last night and it helped but now I am sitting at home with this low level constant state of anxiety. I just want it to go away. I don't know how I can go on if this doesn't subside.

Any help or input at all would be helpful. Let me know sincerely and honestly that I can overcome this!

I guess I have the irrational fear that I am different from everyone else. That my case is unique or that I am an incurable case. Sorry for the long winded post.

13-03-12, 12:19
I'm going through the same thing, constant fear. I woke up this morning multiple times thinking I was dying. I'm super paranoid. I can't take this anymore.

13-03-12, 12:30
It can come back with avengence... but your extreme fear of it will keep it alive...
the more fear you have, the more fear comes, catch 22...
Maybe see GP for a chat regarding meds and therapy... and just talking about it all may be a relief anyway...

13-03-12, 12:56
Yep, agree with this absolutely. It's the easiest thing in the world to feed the fear of fear. Go and see your GP asap.

13-03-12, 12:58
Stormsky is right, you have to accept the anxiety and acknowledge its there but carry on and manage it. If you have managed to recover before then that shows that its possible, it may just take more help this time, so go to your GP and discuss it.

13-03-12, 12:58
Your profile is so similar to mine the timeings & the alchol reaction. I have a degree in Biochemistry & work in resarch for a big Pharma company, but fear does not care about that!! Firstly YOU WILL BE FINE I know you do not beleive it now but you will do. The Claire Weekes books are good but listen to the lady herself very powerful stuff. Get an MP3 plyer & headphones on cloe your eyes & tune in!!


Another great site is:
http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk/ great book called 'a life at last ' very good. Remember knowledge is the power that will take you to the place & be the person you wish to be & will be, you must just awaken the giant within.

Finally a great site from a fellow sufferer:


Check these out. my preference is to keep off meds if you can. Another Claire Weekes type approach is to move towards your fear and try to make things as bad as you can, this technique is discussed on:

http://www.panicend.com/index.html powerful stuff. panicend

Good luck my friend keep in touch.

15-03-12, 16:18
I went to see the doc. I am feeling better each day but I am still scared this wont go away. I will hang in there and try to accept as much as I can. I think I have a stomach problem at the moment which isn't helping because I am struggling to eat.

Does anyone know where I can get Dr Weekes' recordings from?

15-03-12, 17:20
Clarie weeks, try amazon or ebay

20-03-12, 18:45
Just an update. Although last week was one of the worst in my life I am already a lot lot better. I actually recorded myself reading some of claire weekes book at christmas time (as it was another rough time) and I listened to it again. I also got her recordings and listened to them. I guess what i needed was to refresh my memory of her teachings and remind myself of the right technique (its so easy to 'think' you're doing it right when you're not!).

The difference in me since last week is huge and although I do fear feeling like that again I am more confident about dealing with it. And i know that I have to accept the fact that I fear it!

Its also given me a wake up call to stay well, to plan and change things in my life. Although it was extremely horrible at the time I know Dr weekes is correct in saying that setbacks are to be expected and necessary. You learn a lot from setbacks that you dont learn when you are well.

thanks to those who posted

20-03-12, 19:50
Hello my friend I am fairly new to the site as well what I can tell you for sure is that your not alone. I wish you all the best in your recovery.
