View Full Version : new member

27-06-06, 08:32
I just found this site yesterday. It's great to know I'm not alone. I am suffering my second bout of anxiety/panic after being OK for about 6 years. I lost my job in January, had a gyneacological op in February and started a new job in May. It has all just got too much for me and I finally went to my GP last week. I am off work at the moment and feel terribly guilty as it is a new job and am really worried about what they think. The hardest part is trying to act normally around my kids, two of whom are doing GCSE's and A levels. I worry about everyone worrying about me! I worry that my fridge needs cleaning out. I worry about driving (the list is endless).

Anyway, won't bog you down with too much initially!
take care.[8D]


27-06-06, 08:50
Hi Mandy,

Welcome aboard. Im so glad you've found this site. You will meet lots of new friends here and got all the advice you need.

Take Care



27-06-06, 09:15
Hi Mandy,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

That is the problem with anxiety, we worry far to much, I find myself worrying that I don't have anything to worry about.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

marie ross
27-06-06, 09:26
Hi Mandy,

Welcome, i hope you find a lot of help and good friends here, i have. Can relate to the worrying thing, its what i'm good at, 24 hours a day!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

27-06-06, 09:28
Hi Mandy and welcome to NMP:D

Take care



27-06-06, 10:17
hi mandy, i'm new too - joined last week, i think you'll feel better now you've found people who know how you feel.

also i worry about how i affect my 8 yr old, i don't worry about people worrying about me as for some reason (maybe they don't like me!) they don't seem to worry about me at all!

seriously, your kids will not know what your going through so won't worry about you in the same way, if they were going to be worriers like you you'd know about it by now, i think.

also you have to remember that your worrying is YOUR worrying, their worrying is not out of proportion, as long as they've got a roof over their heads and food, they don't care, and they are teenagers they don't really know how to care about anybody else's feelings anyway do they?

all the best with your recovery emmas

27-06-06, 11:19
A big welocmre to you Mansy.
We all worry, its what makes us so interesting....lol

Hay x

27-06-06, 11:33
Hi Mandy

Im sure you will find lots of helpfull adivce to help you

take care

Blue Child
27-06-06, 14:41
Hi Mandy,
Welcome...so glad for you that you have discovered this site. It has been a home away from home for me and it has helped me tremendously. I have suffered with anxiety and panic for years and so I know how it can just halt your whole life and throw it into chaos. I worry about everything and tie myself up in knots...head is so cluttered that I don't know where or how to dig myself out. See you aren't alone and we are here to support you. At least you can now feel comfortable and know that we are all going through the same thing.
Best wishes,

emma chant
27-06-06, 15:00
HI ,and welcome to the forum.Everyone is nice here and friendly.

e chant

27-06-06, 16:00
Thanks Guys you're all so nice. I feel slightly better already!



27-06-06, 16:07
Hia mandy and welcome to the site:D
I also have 2 tennagers and have panic attacks and also agoraphobia.I was perfectly fine for 10 years untill they returned.
You will find a lot of help and support on here which makes you more positive that you are not alone.
Both my kids know and i am honest with them,thing is i dont think you can hide it too much because they can tell something is not quite right and because they are teenagers they can understand a lot more than if they were little.Mine both knopw i was bad before but i beat it and i will beat it this time:D
Any time you want a chat PM me
take care cheryl xx

27-06-06, 16:12
hi mandy

glad you found us, oh to not worry


27-06-06, 16:26
Thanks Chedda, My kids do know about it but I don't think they are aware of how bad I feel sometimes. I am not as bad this time as I was 6 years ago. Then I couldn't even stand in the playground to pick my kids up on my own. It's doing new things and going to new places that freak me out at the moment which is hard as I just started a new job 7 weeks ago.

take care,


27-06-06, 17:29
Welcome to the forum Mandy
Love Helen

27-06-06, 17:48
Hi Mandy and welcome. You sound just like me! You are definitley not alone and there's lots help and support here

Take care

'This too will pass'

27-06-06, 19:52
Hi Mandy
I to have panic and agoraphobia and so do many others in here as well, so youre not alone and you will make good friends in here.


27-06-06, 20:05
Hi Mandy

Welcome to the forum.

You might like to have a read through the following information as a place to start:

First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps)

Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=symptoms)

Links post: Links to posts about Common Problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7784)

You will find a lot of help and support here.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

27-06-06, 20:12
Thanks Karen


27-06-06, 21:20
Just want to give you a warm welcome, Mandy.

With me it is a general fear and it won't go away despite me telling it to buzz off!!

Take care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

30-06-06, 18:32
Hi mandy

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here. Hope we can be of some help.

There are loads of great people on here and you will get all the support you need.


05-07-06, 20:10
I had difficulty hiding it from my children who are young/middle teens. In the end I came clean and explained how I felt although I felt guilty to burden them. I couldn't keep telling them that I could not give them a lift in the car because the car was broken, or that I could not go to parents evening because I had a headache. They were really great about it (and upset) but they have been really supportive and if they see my freaking out they rush for paper bags for me to breath into etc. Kids can take on more than we think!!

05-07-06, 20:20
Thanks Kay,
My older girls do know and are quite good now. It all seems to float over my 11 year old son's head though! He still pesters me about that costume for the school play and can I phone so and so's mum about so and so. I guess he's a boy and too young!!
