View Full Version : Worried about my tooth again

rock chick
13-03-12, 12:15
Okay so I got a filling finally for my tooth on Thursday and it still hurts a bit off and on but it's kind of different than before. I keep telling myself it's just the tooth reacting to having work done on it and it's generally not that bad but I do wonder if they stuffed something up. It's not as simple as just going back because it's not a private dentist and it's hardly an emergency case, I'm supposed to be seeing them again but need to wait to hear back from them as to when.

So, has anyone else has issues like this after a filling? I gather it was a somewhat deep one and it was done on a mollar. However they didn't do an x-ray on it or even the old school tapping and sensitivity test during the session, just took a look at it first.

13-03-12, 17:00
I believe it's normal to have some pain or discomfort after a filling ... if it gets severe, then go in as that could be an infection but that kind of pain you would know, it would be awful.

rock chick
13-03-12, 23:11
That's what I figured, I do wonder if my grinding my teeth is affecting it because it mostly plays up in the mornings and it's a tooth I apparently grind when I sleep, I really need to look into getting a mouth guard.

13-03-12, 23:16
I haven't had a filling for years so can't remember but I asked my friend who recently had some work done and she said there was some throbbing and discomfort for a few days afterwards while things settled down. So hopefully it will get a lot better fairly soon.

rock chick
14-03-12, 02:29
Well I'll give it another week and if things haven't changed I'll need to look into having it looked into again. I really should have gotten the dentist to take an x-ray, I was actually surprised he didn't as that's what I've commonly had done and seems to be standard practice. In some ways it is better than before, it is not very sensitive to cold stuff like before. I actually don't put a lot of trust in the dentists I see at my local clinic because of various experiences but the only other option is a big dental clinic in the city and getting seen there is not easy!

14-03-12, 14:07
Yes, if you have a filling it can sometimes take a while to settle down, especially if it was a deep one, as it can irritate the nerve. It depends on who your dentist is whether they take xrays or not and I have had many a filling without xrays in the past so dont be worried that he has missed something as its not always necessary. As you say, give it another week and if its no better then go back. Good luck.