View Full Version : Newbie - needing help

Lizzie S
13-03-12, 13:25
Hi Im a married mum of three, with Anxiety.... I seem to worry about anything and everything. I dont do myself any favours as I dont like taking medication... not helpful I know.!! finally gave in today and took a diazepam, and for the first time in months i dont have that horrid on edge nervous, shakey feeling....

Anyway id love to be in touch with anyone who is going through this horrid experience of anxiety, stress etc..., I find it difficult to explain to others without sounding like ive totally lost the plot and my dr is just keen for me to pop pills all day long..... but is it the answer??????

13-03-12, 13:34
Hi Lizzie S

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-03-12, 22:18
Hi Lizzie, you're not alone and this is somewhere people will understand how you feel. You're fine, it's just anxiety, and you can learn to let it go xx

13-03-12, 22:33
Hi Lizzie & welcome :)
You are so not alone and will find lots of lovely people here to share your worries, experiences and tips with. Hats of to you for coping without meds....I also have a bit of a problem with medication, had so many bad side effects, but I do take diazepam which as you say does take the edge off.
Look after yourself, keep reading & posting!! Kitti xx

angel wings
13-03-12, 23:16
hi lizzie
And :welcome: there are lots of lovely people on here who can totally relate with how you are feeling im also a married mother of 3 with anxiety and have found some posts on here very helpful i hope you do too !!

15-03-12, 22:15
Hello Newbie,
I am also new here, Mother to 3 and feeling it!!
I am trying to get to the heart of why I am feeling the anxiety, wondering if it is because I am having trouble releasing emotions --don't get time!
It seems when they build up over time its harder to have a good cry. If I have a good cry sometimes this helps.
Sometimes its not that and instead its a thought that triggered the feeling perhaps a thought i did not recognise and it crept in making me feel wobbly, I do know that if we take one positive step at a time this will help us.
Just remembered this one.. Try not to own the anxiety instead think of it like its just a wave going over you, you feel it but it WILL pass..Its not youre anxiety just THE anxiety you could try that with a breathing thing or a few minutes nurturing yourself with warm tea or warmer socks /jumper, brush your hair/ sniff of lavender -you get the idea??

What seems to be your process or is it different every time or is it constant?
Process may not be the right fold- i mean how does your anxiety unfold? what time of day etc?

With Love and Light Abigail:bighug1:

Patrick Michael
15-03-12, 23:33
Happy snail. I like that about waves. and 'The Anxiety' not 'MY anxiety'. Feeling a lot of anxiety myself at tne moment, and quite stressed. Totally relate to 'not releasing emotions'. Have had a hard two years and feel rather borne down, exhausted and worn out.

Think I am hacking off friends considerably, as I seem to be a one-track story at the moment, and to be honest I am fed up with it, which just heightens things further. Have taken myself back to the doctor and back on citalopram, and a shoret course of sleeping meds as I am that wired.

Started seeing a counsellor recently, and felt as if we were getting somewhere until the session ended. so now have to 'back it up' until the next session. Trying to find a way to let all this pain and hurt inside out.

The meds help - because they help me sleep, am hoping the counsellor will also help.

Best to you.


16-03-12, 06:36
Hi Lizzie and a warm :welcome:

I'm sure you'll find loads of members here who share your experience and that you'll find it comforting to see that you're not alone.

Take care and keep posting

Pip x