View Full Version : Reasurance please :(

13-03-12, 13:42
I just feel like my heads got loads on presure in it and I'm waiting to collaspe all the time :( Balance off and just feel so low, I'm trying to battle this so much and I keep thinking back to the way I was last Oct before this bout of depression and anxiety started and how happy I was and I'm so upset as I feel like I'm never going to get it back. I've continued doing everything as normal. work, gym, walks looking after my 3 kids, trying CBT off net, taking B12 and magnesium ( as suggested help for this ) but I feel dead inside. I just look forward to nothing, I don't smile now I just want to cry..... keep thinking I have a brain tumour.... feel like if I am happy I shouldnt be. God i'm so unhappy. Sorry for the moan. I just want to be well again, how do I do it :weep:

13-03-12, 14:57
I feel your pain, it sounds like your going through hell - BUT you will get better. Are you taking any meds? Take care x

13-03-12, 15:47
First let me say how impressive it is that you continue your normal routine feeling the way you do!! During times of setback, I tend to get so depressed and just do the basic things to get by... Which in the end makes coming back from these blips much more difficult. So please continue doing exactly what you have been as there are so many positive things that are great for combating anxiety and depression.

I think setbacks hit us so hard because in order to have a setback it means that we have actually made progress in beating this disorder. Progress is usually not an easy steady climb, but sometimes we take a few steps forward and get knocked down a bit. The important thing is to pick ourselves back up and continue living out lives as best we can. Because the alternative (giving up, hiding under the covers) is just going to prolong our future successes. I struggle with this a lot and I am trying more now to take my own advice so I know it is difficult.

I hope you feel better soon Hun! Xx

13-03-12, 15:56
I just feel like my heads got loads on presure in it and I'm waiting to collaspe all the time :( Balance off and just feel so low, I'm trying to battle this so much and I keep thinking back to the way I was last Oct before this bout of depression and anxiety started and how happy I was and I'm so upset as I feel like I'm never going to get it back. I've continued doing everything as normal. work, gym, walks looking after my 3 kids, trying CBT off net, taking B12 and magnesium ( as suggested help for this ) but I feel dead inside. I just look forward to nothing, I don't smile now I just want to cry..... keep thinking I have a brain tumour.... feel like if I am happy I shouldnt be. God i'm so unhappy. Sorry for the moan. I just want to be well again, how do I do it :weep:

Tension in and around the ears will cause a spacey- pressure-dizzy head and affects balance. Tension - tiredness (mental and physical) and thinking (too much thinking inwardly) are all responsible here. Also when we try to hard to make ourselves feel happy or better, i find that i actually feel worse. Sometimes you just have to let things be, you know? If right now you feel crappy, then let yourself feel crappy, dont pressurise yourself that you must feel good because you are taking this and that or going here and there, you cant force it along. x