View Full Version : concentration

13-03-12, 18:01
hi guys
does any one feel like they are not concentrating on whats going off around them i feel like im being sucked into something like part of me wants to shut down i know whats going off and it scares me abit .
when people talk to me i dont listen
i try to make myself concentrate but it feels like not interested its very frustrating . i want to feel alive and with it like other people

13-03-12, 18:36
yes mevin can relate very well to this , my concentration at times is non existant its as if Im in dream land , horrible feeling to be , I best advise try get active and distracted when you can , perhaps hobby or something you like doing

13-03-12, 20:53
thanks for ur reply mate

13-03-12, 21:47
Hi Melvin,
Yes I can relate to this too - with my anxiety and depression it was one of the main symptoms. It made daylight hours a waking nightmare because I literally couldn't concentrate on anything..all the usual distractions like reading, tv, films were just wasted on me - my head was swimming round all over the place! my mum came to stay and help and described it like watching someone through a glass wall. She was talking to me but nothing was going in. I found that listening to music was a good distraction - no effort required!
Are you having any treatment? I have been taking citalopram and having therapy for 3 months now and am a whole lot better.
Hope you are coping :-)