View Full Version : Symptons I've not had before!

27-06-06, 10:39
Hi, Im in work and was ok first thing this morning but all of a sudden my vision has gone a bit blurry, it seems like im not really here and its a bit dream like. I've not had the blurred vision before and the more I try to forget the more I seem to be making it worse. I'm now having hot flushes and can feel the panic starting to rise in me, dont know what i'm going to do if I have an attack in work.

27-06-06, 11:10
Hi Claire, the funny vision is deffinately a symptom of anxiety/panic. I get this so much and it worried me alot at one time. just telling myself that it wasn't anything serious over and over eventually calmed it down.
Hope you start to feel better soon

Take care



27-06-06, 11:13
Thanks, its frightening me a bit because I have never really had it before. I just hope I can ride it out because I'm in work and I dont want to look stupid by it turning into a full blown panic attack.
Claire x

27-06-06, 11:17
Deep breaths clairey.
its just another nasty symptom...it too will pass.
Read through the forum, that usually helps me to take my mind off things xxxx

Hay x

27-06-06, 12:00
Thank you, I feel slightly better now I just hope I can make it through the day ok.
Claire xx

27-06-06, 12:09
Hi Claire,

Remember that new symptoms are always scary, and you often can't just dispell them quickly.

Keep reminding yourself its just another anxiety symptom. Its your nerves that are playing up, not your eyes!

Get some fresh air at lunchtime!


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

emma chant
27-06-06, 15:14
Hi claire,
Hope your feeling better now.

e chant

27-06-06, 15:23
hi clairey
a new symptom is always frightening but you just have to try and tell yourself its all part of the panic/anxiety thing,
hope your feeling better now
take care


27-06-06, 18:09
Hia claire,just when you think you have it conquered up pops a new symptom to blow your socks off:(.It does this doesnt it thinks hey shes coping quite well now how about giving her something new see how she copes then.I have this symptom a bit and its not nice i know its hard but try to stay calm it is just another sympton and like you cope with the others you will cope with this one and when it doesnt scare you as much then it goes away:D
take care cheryl xx

Sue K with 5
27-06-06, 18:53
Hi claire

i agree with ray, new symptoms can be a damn nightmare but you are just experiencing other sides of panic and anxiety and when you get them you need to say something really simple.

I am not worried
I am not scared
This will not hurt me
I am in control

Keep saying that until you believe it and deep breathing really helps with the feelings

Good luck

Sue with 5
