View Full Version : Making progress in between blips/setbacks

13-03-12, 19:16
With this anxiety I am always learning about it despite having had it for a number of years now. The latest thing I have learnt is that it is possible to make good progress against the anxiety even though we will suffer blips now and again.

I have learnt that if you can carry on with moving forward while the anxiety is not so bad then even when you do have a blip you find that you will have made progress in comparison to your last setback.

Then when the blip passes you can carry on where you left off and if you make sure you keep up with the positivity then its possible to move forward.

I suppose what I am saying is that if you carry on in spite of the bad anxiety then you will suffer blips but at least be making progress.

If you go into your shell after a blip and stop doing things to overcome the anxiety you will still suffer blips but not be making any progress.

Maybe someone else will understand this, hope so.:whistles:

13-03-12, 21:55
Yep this sounds like a positive observation - also the more you do to help yourself get better, the more you are able to cope with the bouts of anxiety. When you first experience them it is so terrifying and you don't know what's happening to you that it self perpetuates. Recognising it and altering your responses helps to manage the attacks so they are not so debilitating. Even taking medication you get blips, and it's important not to be too hard on yourself and read too much into it, wondering if every one is a relapse, or the medication failing. There will always be ups and downs, but they become easier to survive.

13-03-12, 22:06
Claire weeks says this in her books you can make more progress in a set back and setbacks are only bad if you make them so. You could have your worse setback only to find the next day to be the best.

I hope you know what I am on about lol

Cathy xx