View Full Version : Vertigo

13-03-12, 19:22
I have bad arthritis in my neck and for past 10 years have had problems with attacks of vertigo and dizziness.
I know why I get them but this does not help me deal with them. I never know when they will hit or for how long. I tend to get two different types, the vertigo is short and sudden and I literrally have to grab hold of something as the world is spinning but this usually only last a short time but I also get less severe attacks where the floor is tilting al the time and swaying anda this can last for a couple of hours.
Anyone else suffer with this for whatever reason and how to overcome the mental side of it. I have had the sudden vertigo attacks at least twice a day for last 3 days due to over using my neck.

13-03-12, 19:30
i have suffered vertigo a couple of times, the worst lasted about 4-5 hours but tried to sleep thru it... it was so bad i ended getting up in the middle of the night and falling down the stairs, sat panicking for an hour then attempted to go back to bed and started to feel sick, ended up being sick, and the vertigo went within a few minutes......
sooo im guessing it had something to do with my ears... so next time i have a attack i will hold my nose and blow my ears xxx dunno if that helps xxxx

14-03-12, 11:46
Hello Countrygirl, hope you're feeling better. I've been getting vertigo on and off for a couple of years. Not been diagnosed with what causes it. But I am certainly going to take on board with what you said about neck area, tension or whatever. I'll drop you a pm later.

14-03-12, 17:24
Thanks both. Necks are a great cause of vertigo and dizziness as you have balance receptors in your neck that send messages to your inner ears. Spondylosis (arthritis) can muck up the messages.

I go through spells of good times and bad times, I once had 9 months with no vertigo but when I get it it tends to bother me almost daily for up to 3 months at a time. In the past I have ended up scared to leave the house or be on my own and don't want to end up like this ever again.

24-03-12, 16:00
I'm so glad to read this post - I have problems with severe vertigo that strikes without warning and usually lasts several hours. I am also very scared of going out in case it happens as it is incapacitating and I don't know how I'd get home again if it came on when I was miles away. It's not every day that it happens - I imagine i usually get a bout several times a year but I'm bothered by slight off balance feelings much more frequently. I thought it was an ear condition but I'm wondering if it is to do with anxiety and it causing problems with muscles straining which can cause the vertigo? Whatever, it's good to hear I'm not alone.

I really hope we can all get rid of this soon! xx