View Full Version : Told my doctor at last

27-06-06, 10:47
Well I went to my doctor and told her all about my anxiety attacks and not wanting to go out walking on my own. She's put me on beta blockers 2 - 3 times a day. I'm not quite sure what to expect, should they start working straight away or will it take a while for them to kick in?

I'm feeling relived after all these months of keeping my anxiety to myself. I know these tablets wont be a quick cure and that I will have to push myself to keep going out but hope they will make things easier.

Di x

27-06-06, 11:15
Hi Di and well done for going to the Drs, I am glad that you feel relieved after telling someone about it.

Take care



27-06-06, 11:18
I found this link from google, hope this helps.


Take care



27-06-06, 11:20
Well done...one step further to beating this monster x

Hay x

27-06-06, 11:25
Well done Di
I remember the first time i told my doctor i went in the docs office and he asked me what the problem were and i burst out crying and spent ten minutes crying and telling him how i felt. It did make me feel better and i felt really calm after talking about it. Good look for the future and keep talking about it, it always helps!!
Carol x

27-06-06, 14:07
Thanks for your messages everyone. Thanks for the link chuckle.

Carol that is exactly what I did, I got myself so worked up before going into the doctors as soon as she asked how I was I could feel my lips quiver and burst into tears, I'm one of these people who hate crying infront of anyone let alone my doctor, stupid I know but that's what I'm like. At least she could see how it was all effecting me. My Blood pressure which is usually under control with medication was sky high!

Di x

emma chant
27-06-06, 15:48
One step forward.

e chant

marie ross
27-06-06, 16:17
Hi Di

Well done for going to the docs!!! I was exactly the same, as soon as he asked me what was wrong i burst into tears, i was a right wreck. But he was lovely and i was soooooo relieved when he told me i had a panic disorder (i thought i was going mad!!!).

He put me on beta-blockers straight away, and they have helped me so much, they have stopped my heart feeling like it was racing so much i was going to have a heart attack and drop dead!!!! They took a couple of days to kick in but i have been fine on them.

Take care and remember we are all here to listen.

Marie XXX