View Full Version : There's too much going on im stressing out bigtime!

13-03-12, 22:09
Sorry to post again guys but I just cant take how much i have to worry about.
I have my driving test in a few weeks time, im trying not to think about it as i feel as though there is a volcano sitting in wait and ready to explode.
I dread to think what I'm going to be like when I'm there in the car. Panic attack may fail me.
Alongside that I have a re sit of an exam coming up in june and a lot rests on it. If i don't pass I won't get onto my course in september which I'm giving my current job up for.
I also greatly dislike my current job & this in turn is making my life hell everyday. I know they wont be happy when I hand in my notice so that's also hanging over my head.
I am unhappy with every part of my life, I have so many opportunities open to me but due to my anxiety, I can never fulfil my potential.

14-03-12, 07:57
Building things up will only make it worse, try to put the driving test out of your mind if possible and think that its not the end of the world if you do not pass or have a panic attack.

I know how debilitating anxiety can be but you need to try to focus on the tasks in hand rather than the anxiety.