View Full Version : Feel like I am going to die

13-03-12, 22:31
:weep:Hello everyone .:weep:

I feel at my watts end , I will start at the very beginning .
Sorry for the long post coming :

It started 13 yrs ago , I had pre eclampsia with my daugher .
Came home from hos and had on off high blood pressure for yrs after .
Tried several diff meds to bring down but none worked till I had atenolo .
Then in 2007 I found out I had type 2 diabetes ,so they took me off atenolo and put me on losartan saying it was better for me because of my diabetes.and then I started getting the palpitations and stuff , so eventually they put me on 1.25mg of bisoprolol and it did nothing , they sent me to a cardiologist and he did stress test and holiter monitor and all he said was I have a lazy heart .. Go to the gym !!!!! So I currently take 25 mg for high blood pressure which works fine , they upped my dose of bisoprolol to 2.5 then to 5. Mg 3 days ago and boy do I feel like crap , I had the biggest scare of my life today , I don't know what the hell happened but walked up about 6 steps to carvery and when I got to the top I went in and the world just span and went tipsy turvey , I felt sick , my chest and back hurt , and it resulted in me eating nothing and feeling like rubbish since 1 pm this afternoon ,I keep going dizzy and I'm scared to death I'm going to die , I won't be sleeping tonight now I know it , my other half has Allen asleep already and I'm sitting here worrying like mad that my heart is going to just give up , my chest is hurting and I have just had enough of feeling like rubbish , I Never felt this way until my diabetes and coming ofF the atenolo , I feel like my life has gone and I can't do jack about it , I don't run about no more and my kids have lost their mum how she used to be , I'm too worried to do anything from fear of feeling any worse then I do .
I have the docs Thursday and having bloods and ECG done ,but they are going to say again nothing wron Emma ,go home bla bla , or maybe try and palm me off with more meds .

You know what , I don't look forward to anything anymore , I have my wedding coming up in 6 weeks and I'm dreading it as I know I'm going to feel so ill and it will be the biggest let down ever and I won't be able to dance and join in as I feel too rubbish all the time ..........I don't know what to do anymore I really don't :::scared15::unsure::wacko::weep::weep::weep:

14-03-12, 14:49
What health diet is that Quimby?