View Full Version : Hi all, I am new to this site.

14-03-12, 00:22
I registered onto this site because I feel like sometimes I talk about how I feel and I'm not taken seriously.

I suffer from IBS and by my accounts have done so for some time. I try to find as much information as I can, to help support myself.

It all started about 5-6 years ago. (I am now 33) I had a miscarriage which is a traumatic experience. That's when I first went to my GP complaining of lower bowel pains more so predominant at that time of the month! He felt my stomach and then prescribed me anti-depressants, assuming I was still not over my ordeal. I tried taking them for 2 days. I felt awful! It was like I was floating on the ceiling, so I stopped taking them. For years after I have regularly suffered bouts of tiredness, constipation, diarrhoea, cramps, anxiety, stress, and I am a worrier!

In November of 2010 I felt awful, so I went to the hospital, I had blood tests and an x-ray. I was told nothing unusual upon initial inspection. 3 months after that I was called by my GP to go for a further x-ray as I had a shadow across the bottom section of my lungs. The second x-ray confirmed I have a Mild Pectus Excavatum. I get some slight discomfort from that if I allow my posture to slouch too much. After having that sort of fear sometimes I fear all sorts and have a good imagination.

Going back before this I need to point out an ex-boyfriend of mine who I was friends with since I was 10 was diagnosed with cancer in 2009 at the age of 28 he died shortly after his 29th birthday approximately 6 months after his diagnosis.

Since this time I have feared allsorts! I started having frequent panic attacks, a paranoia like I've never felt before, often convincing myself there's always something much more wrong with me than there usually is. During the last 3 years since this incident my IBS has cranked up a notch.

My symptoms,

Belching/farting (excuse the choice of words).

Nausea (feeling sick but not actually being sick, is relieved after first bowel movement of the day (usually in the morning, nausea feeling is sporadic -I don't feel sick every day I have a flare up).

Bowel movements ranging from normal - constipation - diarrhoea. (this order is not actual).

Cramps, cramps and more cramps. (popping up in different places, left side just under ribs, right side just under ribs, around belly button, only occasionally lower abdomen - sometimes menstrual cramps feel more predominant).

Bloating. (oh the bloating.....Im a curvy girl but have been asked on occasion when carrying a new Hoover out of the shop "are you sure you can manage that in your condition" my reply oh I'm not pregnant love I'm just bloated, so everyone waiting for their order hears your entire conversation).

Tiredness. I can feel tired even after sleeping solid for 8 hours.

Gurgling. I don't get this all of the time on a flare up. It depends if I have eaten something I shouldn't really have eaten.

Headaches. I don't always get headaches, but when I do I need paracetamol.

Back pain. This is not a constant symptom and sometimes I don't experience it at all in a flare up.

I spoke to my GP in October 2011. They said it was likely my symptoms are IBS. I had some blood tests done and they came back normal! After reading various information pieces, I really think my IBS was brought on more strongly by upsetting occurrences in my life.

My relief process.

I have sought Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, through my Occupational Health department at work! This is a god send! I didn't need to pay a penny as work paid for it. I have found relaxation and coping techniques for stress and anxiety, which I try to use everyday. I personally like to meditate too. (sat in a room with only candlelight and enya music in the background). My cbt taught me to go to a sanctuary place in my head. Everyone should have one of these!

My GP has prescribed me Mebeverine, Colpermin IBS relief capsules (peppermint oil capsules in a nutshell) and Fybrogel.

An old classic - my trusty hot water bottle!

A healthier diet. - I have figured out what upsets my digestive system besides stress and anxiety.

Greasy foods!(out goes take aways and all fried foods).
Cheese! (in every form - from hard to soft and cheese flavourings on crisps)
Acidic food dressings!
Tea/Coffee/Fizzy drinks.
Too much Bread!
Raw onions.

So I now have the following.

Oats - usually porridge with semi skimmed milk in the morning.
Healthy snacks - in the form of fresh raw vegetables and some fruit - mainly varieties of various berries.
Healthy balanced meals of fish or chicken with vegetables or salad.
Vegetable soups.
I am about to try some pro-biotic drinks to see if they help.
I drink loads of water. I find sometimes cold water can be harsh so I drink hot water boiled from the kettle. I find this is warming and calming on digestive system.
I have switched to herbal fruit teas, which are caffeine free.
Limited my red meat intake to once or twice a week.
I have taken up walking. (I'm not one for busting my moves in a gym it bores me) So I walk along my local sea front with my 3 dogs, which is calming with the sound of the sea and fresh air. It clears your head if you work in an office for 8 hours a day like me.

Since all of this, my last flare up was in October when I visited my GP. I had to take my tablets for a month before I felt normal again. I'm currently having a flare up because it's been my birthday and I was a bit naughty, I ate fish and chips and had a box of chocolates. I have some slight work stresses, due to implementation of a new system and having to adjust to a new way of working, while maintaining my targets and stats. I still have some anxiety issues from my previous ex partners death, which I work through with my current partner.

After reading a few more peoples symptoms, I do feel better about my IBS, I don't think I have a cancer that I don't know about. With statistics and adverts currently being pushed down our throats about awareness, it's sometimes difficult not to wonder what if! It seems IBS has no real scale of mild or severity. I suppose it varies between people and their symptoms.

14-03-12, 00:23
Hi mimi123

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

blue moon
14-03-12, 05:53
Hi mimi and welcome.It is good to hear you have diet well balanced,most important for IBS
I drink tepid water also,very good clean out.Enjoy the site like I do.
Petra xx:flowers:

14-03-12, 06:49
Hi Mimi and :welcome:

You've definitely had a lot to cope with but it looks like you know how to deal with your symptoms - you're doing all the right things.

I hope you find it comforting to see that you're not alone and you're sure to get lots of support from fellow sufferers on here.

Take care

Pip xxx

macc noodle
14-03-12, 07:56


Great post hun - I hope you stay and make good friends along the way.

It is refreshing to read a post where someone has suffered but come out the other side using a strategy that works for them.

Reading your post is insipirational to me this morning as I am about to get some test results which I am very fearful of but everyone keeps telling me IBS - stress induced and the realisation that I do need to do something about it.

I am going to re-read your post again when I get home from work. And try to move forward as you have done.

Great news that you have not had a flare up since October :yahoo:

Welcome to NMP


william wallace
14-03-12, 09:36
:welcome: Hi Mimi

14-03-12, 10:12
Hello and :welcome:Mimi,

I have IBS and find fennel tea, peppermint tea and not forgetting camomile tea...they all help. Ginger is good too, fresh is best, small amount grated into boiled water.

Like you bread is a no-no for me makes me so bloated. I love bread, but it doesn't love me!

Lainie x

14-03-12, 23:03
Thanks for all your nice comments.

Is it true when you have blood tests these days they check for everything, including diseases and cancers?

I hear so many different stories.

william wallace
14-03-12, 23:31
Blood tests are very expensive Mimi, so they only check for what they think is wrong with you. Why do you ask?

blue moon
15-03-12, 03:13
Blood tests are Bulk billed hear in Aus, :yesyes:at least where I live anyway.
Petra x