View Full Version : Burning Throat / Below Ribs / Belly Button Area

14-03-12, 02:42
Well seems i haven't had a cry in a while think its time i have one tonight :( cos am about to scream or crack up soon.
well monday i got the worse burning sickly taste in my throat and was also just below my ribs in the center, which lasted all monday day & night and even woke up with it tue morning and had it all tue day and now am getting myself all anxious with all the negative thinking as tonight the burning is now around belly button area and stll having the burning throat,, i thought maybe it was acid as it was in my throat and below my ribs etc.. but now why would it be around my belly button area ??

Does any1 else suffer with acid or get anything like this ?? and f am hungry the burning feeling gets worse


macc noodle
14-03-12, 07:49
Hello Honey

Oh dear, seems like you are flaring up again with this acid reflux :weep:

Did you eat anything that can have triggered it or have you not eaten enough?

I am only just learning that I can get really bad acid if I do not take enough care of myself with regular small meals and not skipping meals and plenty of water !!!

The belly button pain/burning is actually the place where I get it most - it really worried me to begin with but now I can see that I am full of gas and that it is related to that and the burning sensation higher up!

Do you not have meds to soothe the burning ? Just asking because I do not take anything other than the odd Rennie and try to soothe it with plenty of warm drinks (mainly boiled water to be honest and fruit teas).

I have just read that alcohol makes it worse - even the tiniest bit :mad:

Hope you feeling a bit better now ?


14-03-12, 09:22
Hi thanks for the reply, I have omeprazole 20mg haven't had one for 2days :( been really busy etc and forgotten them I also have gavison now n then, the only thing I ate was some chocolate hobnobs I haven't eaten wheat in over two years as am wheat intolerant so don't no if its. The eating wheat as am wheat intolerant but my doc saids one day u can try it again but I don't no if its that or something else ?? I don't drink ever :) but I do smoke which really irratates it :( so when its bad I dnt usually smoke xx

angel wings
14-03-12, 09:47
hi honeyp1e

i had a burning throat and chest for ages cant say i had it in the belly button,but i know how horrible it is with this i have been better since i stopped having things with mint in it i used to have alot of chewing gum ,mints and mint toothpaste and since i have changed doing that my throat has been alot better also prop myself up at night to stop the acid going to your throat !!!
i smoke too and does make it worse xxx
hope you get some relief soon :)

14-03-12, 10:03

To the best of my knowledge, Omeprazole actually works by being absorbed into the bloodstream and will reduce the production of acid rather than deal with the acid that is already there causing trouble (according to my pharmacist).

I know it doesn't do much for me if I only take one tablet when acid is a bad problem. I have found charcoal tablets much more beneficial and immediate (think we may of had this conversation before) relief normally.......apart from the black poo the day after!

If you are wheat intolerant, then Hobnobs are a NO NO regardless of if your Doctor says try one now and again. I am wheat and gluten intolerant thanks to Coeliac Disease for the past 20 years and the diet is for life, not just now and again.

Actually, you may fine rice cakes an alternative to nibble on as they are rather absorbant and safer..........bloody boring but safer!

My days are normally full of pain in the area you describe. My Gastroenterologist tells me that the area where the Sternum is (upper centre) is very sensative anyway, so any discomfort there will be unpleasant. Sadly, not eating will also let any acid go to work on your stomach instead of the food it's suppose to work on, therefore giving you more burning.

We are in a Catch 22 situation because our worry causes pain and acid which causes lack of appetite and nausea which gives us more worry which causes more pain and so on!

Don't forget that smoking will aggravate all this as well, but then you already know that!

Having said all that, I stopped smoking 4 years ago and have never been so bloody ill since then!

Happy days.

Old misery guts.