View Full Version : shocked, would like to share this.

14-03-12, 08:36
Hi all I just need to get this off my chest.
My friends 17 yr old sister was murdered on Friday which has been devastating for so many people I know. I never met her but I've been trying to comfort my friend and be there for him. understandably everyone is still in shock.

I just wanted to share this on here as this has hit me in many ways but one I keep thinking of is the amount of times I wished I was dead and of the one time I took an overdose. I'm sure some of you can relate to this. It made me feel awful that I had even thought of throwing my life away like it meant nothing to me or anyone else. Seeing my friends and his family going through this made me realize that my life is worth something and I would be missed.

The past couple of weeks have been very good for me anxiety wise, I've been going out and meeting new people and also having EMDR but I feel after this awful news it's given me one last kick to stop wasting my life when some people have theirs taken away so soon.
Thanks for reading I hope this might help with anyone feeling at their lowest x

14-03-12, 11:52
What a heart breaking thing to happen, it must be sending ripples of shock through so many families and the community. You are right, sometimes these dreadful events can have real impact on people, and can be life-changing in a positive way. I wish you all the best in dealing with this horrible situation.

14-03-12, 20:32
That's terrible, sometimes I feel like this, I had a friend who died of cancer aged 22, I sometimes think about what he would have done just to live, and here I am sometimes wishing I was dead. It does make you feel like we should not care so much about the little things in life and just try to live life to the full.

15-03-12, 11:10
Sorry about your friend. It really does hit home doesn't it. I'm determined more than ever now to keep pushing myself x

15-03-12, 11:18
Well done katie. Nice that you can see how selfish we can be when we feel down and when something like that happens it puts everything into perspective. Really sorry to hear about your friends sister. Keep us all posted on when and if they find the person (monster)

Darren :)

15-03-12, 12:14
They found him the day it happened he has been charged already and hopefully won't see the outside world again.

15-03-12, 21:28
Yeah hopefully he wont but our criminal system isn't the best. Take a life get life. Did she know him or not?

Darren :)