View Full Version : citalopram advice

14-03-12, 11:48

Just thought I'd introduce myself... and also ask a question, if anyone can help.

I suffer from GAD and a panic disorder. I've been taking propanolol since September 2010 and I find it really helps prevent me having panic attacks. I still get very apprehensive before going out of the house, and do not really enjoy being out that much, but the beta-blockers have definitely helped. If anything I am more confident as well in conversation too. But the panic disorder is still very much there. When I first started taking beta-blockers I was also offered citalopram, but I decided not to take it. Does anyone know if citalopram would (at least in the short term, because I understand you can't take them for ever) help overcome the symptoms of panic disorder and anxiety (dread about going out, swirling and dizziness while walking in crowded places, etc.)

I'm doing CBT as well, by the way.

14-03-12, 11:51
Hi aix123

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

14-03-12, 16:16
I think you'll probably get a lot of different opinions to that question. Personally if you're doing well with the CBT it might be worth continuing that rather than take on a new medication. However there are many people who have responded well on Citalopram and sadly because we are all so different it's probably a case that only you will know from trying it, whether it works. There's certainly no reason if your GP is happy that you shouldn't give it a go. That's such a sit on the fence answer, sorry :)

14-03-12, 16:37
Hi aix,

I am 2 weeks in on Citalopram 10 mg. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. I must say that since taking the cit I have not had a panic attack. Still working on the anxiety but I have stuff going on right now that is making me really anxious so dont think I will get any better until all that stress has gone.

I was frightened of taking them hence such the low dose but knew I had to do something otherwise I was going to end up in a terrible state.

I have had SE's but I could totally handle them and weren't as bad as I thought!!

Maybe gp could give you a low dose 5mg or 10mg to start you off.

I am starting to see slight changes but like I said until my issues are sorted I dont think I am going to improve!

Take care and let us know what you decide to do. We will all support and help you on here either way!!

Kendra x:hugs:

15-03-12, 19:55
Thanks for your replies.

Ingenious - not a 'sit on the fence' answer at all, but a well reasoned one! It makes good sense what you are saying. Regarding CBT, I have found it next to useless. I've met people who say it works for them, but for me it is a very shallow approach, and simply doesn't work for me.

Kendra - I think I'm going to mention the possibility of citalopram to my GP the next time I see him. By the way, what's 'SE'?

16-03-12, 23:18
It's interesting what you say about CBT and only goes to highlight the fact we are all so different and need to try many things to get to the one that works for us. Personally, I found CBT to be effective at some things that were bothering me, but did find that you need something tangible that you can work on. For example, if you're just anxious/depressed but don't know why, CBT has less to focus on.

I think SE stands for side effects.