View Full Version : me my kids and the 4 walls!!!

27-06-06, 13:11
hi i wasnt sure where to post this but i was just wondering how many of us panic and anxiety sufferers are stay at home mums or people who dont work?????
i know there is a lot of working people with anxiety but i cant help thinking(as in my situation) that staying at home with my two instead of going back to work as contributed to my illness...i dont know if its not being able to handle stress properly (as little ones give us)..or too much time looking at the same four walls not meeting enough people or getting enough company...when i was working i would never have dreamed i would suffer like this..now my life as turned upside down and feel somedays i cant cope with the kids and feel i need to get out there...i love my children dearly but wonder if going back to work will help me...i plan to do this when my two are both at school...as i think i will go mad being in the house all day on my own with my computer for company!!!
i would be interested in any of your views on this one.....

27-06-06, 13:21
Hi, I am a stay home mum, suffer anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, agoraphobia and monophobia.

Take care



27-06-06, 13:31
I found that having half a day away from the four walls was great. Buddy with a friend and ask her to have your kids for a couple of hours, take your self off out and then return the favour, have a cup of tea or something together and let the children play, it will help you all, who knows she may feel like you do, I know it is scary, but we can often make ourselves worse by being on our own, with our own family as company... even do something silly like going back to bed for some well earnt rest. Think of the advert for the drink, when she had a baby sitter in - Thats what gave me the idea, I loved it, knowing I was not going to get disturbed, as I used to take the phone off - to all intent I was OUT.

there's a place that I dream of when I sleep, so peaceful, so quite, I call it mother earth.

27-06-06, 14:51
I think if you are able to get out of the same four walls it really can help immensely. Through my anxiety I suppose I felt plenty of self pity and just well did not want to go out. But doing something different really wakes your mind up and gives it another focus. I found staying in just dulled my mind and gave me nothing else to think about than myself. I do think if you can, then defiantly try and get out and meet others again, give yourself less time to brood. I have also cut my computer time down as I felt as though I was getting stuck in a rut again, I now try and vary my day and feel more refreshed for it.

I do have to spend sometime on the computer through the nature of what I do and enjoy chatting to friends also, but I think it is good to have a balance. What about maybe taking up a new hobby even if it is done from home, I did plenty of painting and found this gave me a new interest and focus in life.

Whatever you decide I think it would benefit you to get out there again and do the things that vary your day. Doing something different breaks up the day and stops you going through the same routine day in, day out. Just as people with healthy minds need to stimulate them, so do those of us who suffer from anxiety.

Good luck



27-06-06, 16:20
Hia, i am a stay at home mum with panic attacks and agoraphobia,i used to work but had really bad panic attacks at work:(.Must be the lighting there because it was in asda and seen quite a few posts about the lighting on here ...lol.I spent most of my time at work gripping onto the shelfs and trying to find my way round with almost tunnel vision but left to look after my son after a big op.If your kids are young theres always play groups where you can socialise aswell as them or if they are older arrange to meet some of the mums out side the school gates and go for a coffe if your up to it[8D]
take care cheryl xx

27-06-06, 17:59
I know what your mean about staying at home making it worse,
I found staying at home the worst thing for me, i felt my life was so small and had huge anxiety.
One day I decided enough was enough, I got myself a interview for a home help company because i thought i may be able to work on a one to one basis, to cut a long story short, I have been doing my part time work nearly 2 years now and even though i only do 5 hours a week, it certainly makes a difference. Even if you have to go in the evening I think its worth it and feel it has really helped me alot.


marie ross
27-06-06, 18:13

I'm a mum to two kids who are both at school, i work 4 hours a day (no more!!!) I enjoy my time away from home, it drives me mad at the weekend when i'm stuck at home. It makes me appreciate the kids more as well, before i worked they drove me up the wall and i nearly turned to drink i was that stressed out!!! But now i finish work and pick them up from school and i'm a lot more chilled out and enjoy spending time with them, rather than screaming at them 24 hours a day (sounds bad does'nt it!!!!)

I would'nt go back to work full-time just yet, its early days still and i could'nt cope with the pressure of a full days work. But i earn a little bit of money which helps as well. I hope you decide what you want to do, going to work just for a few hours a day has helped me a lot.

Take care.

Marie XXX

27-06-06, 18:17
My mild anxiety got a lot worse after I had my son, I found it very stressful looking after a baby and feeling that I had no help. Of course there was lots of help out there for me I just hadn't asked. I definately think that staying at home contributed to my illness, I had a few months when i couldn't leave the house and had a really bad couple of years. it took a very big incident in my life to give myself a "Kick" and get help, please don't leave it too long . I now work mornings while my son is at School and feel a lot better for it, i have a very understanding boss btw.
Take care

Sue K with 5
27-06-06, 18:50
Hello there

I have spent the last six years working from home, initially it was before my agoraphobia got worse and in many ways was a blessing to me to be at home and be able to still work and provide for my family.

I love my job and i love my family and although i dont go out i would never be able to give up what i do or I would actualoloy go crackers.

If you want to be close to the children but have some independance try doing so research and try looking for a job which you can do from home, if you want som help pm me

Good luck

Sue with 5


27-06-06, 21:15

i too have two litle ones ages 6 and 4 and i have always worked, but once i developed anxiety and panics i was off work for four months i found that it was the worse thing i could do as i used tothink about my anxiety all the time i had nothing better to think of, even the most simplest tasks like washing dishes i couldnt be bothered as i was always thinking, i eventually wen back to work not panic free by a long while but it did change my way of thinking as whejn i am in work i have respite from the anxiety as i havent got time too think about it.

i hope that this helps take care

ruth x x