View Full Version : Mole advise please

14-03-12, 12:19
Hi everyone, I have a mole just above my left breast, that has been there for as long as i can remember, it is quite small (I certainly have moles alot bigger). Looking at photographs it hasn't changed size. What worries me is about 2 weeks ago I noticed a small dark brown almost black dot just off the center in the inside of the mole. I have been monitoring it like a crazy person and googled every single image of melanoma finding nothing that looks like this - however in the 2 weeks since noticing it it has got bigger I have an app to see my GP on Friday, but I was wondering if anyone had ever had this themself? No matter which way i word this into google nothing comes up with anything that sounds like my problem.

Thanks for reading

16-03-12, 13:59
I have worried myself sick about moles as well.
They do sometimes change a little bit. What I find is that once you start monitoring them closely, you tend to find more things wrong with them, and notice very small changes that you would never have noticed before anyway.
It can become a bit of an obsession. Hopefully the doctor can put your mind at rest. It is very unlikely to be anything, and even if (v unlikely) it is you would have found it so soon that it would not be serious.
Good luck

16-03-12, 18:23
i think they say to report any changes to a dermatologist. its never really anything but they might want to remove it just in case! happened to me before with a mole on my leg!