View Full Version : Health Anxiety Getting Worse

14-03-12, 13:19
Hello All

I have severe health anxiety and am struggling to cope. I have been thinking I have cancer for 2 years (in various places) and cannot look at my body without having a sick feeling and having to run to the loo.

I had citalopram and counselling last year but it didn't work - I am convinced that every spot, pain, ache and even normal bodily sensations are symptoms of cancer. I recently had a spot and kept poking it to see if a lump appeared underneath. I dream about illnesses and often wake up in a panic attack.

It is seriously affecting my marriage as all I do is poke, prod and weep. My work is also being affected because there are days I can go to the loo about 50 times poking and prodding.

Is anyone else feeling like this? Do I have health anxiety or is my body trying to tell me I have something more sinister.

I am frightened not to worry in case the worry is preventing me getting something (which I know is ridiculous).

I am going to end up divorced/

14-03-12, 13:30
i am in the exact same boat as you from the ralationship issues, checking my body, i regualy monitor my urine, i wake up in a panick every night and every morning.... its taking over my life cuz im so miserable and snappy... but we can beat this... cant we?? :)
one thing i may add, you have been thinking your ill for years, but not actually ever been anything wrong... you always get your diagnosis wrong (my mum said this to me)

i also am frightened to stop worrying just incase... :(

Pearl xx

14-03-12, 13:34
I am the same. It is nearly always cancer for me, sometimes MS or stroke but usually cancer. In the last 3 years I have diagnosed myself with everything going, hundreds of gp appointments, counselling appointments, citalopram.Constand checking of lumps,bumps,moles,spots,bald patches, marks etc Just as I started to feel "normal" I now have something I consider to be a rational worry, I feel I have wasted years on feeling this way! You are not alone xx

14-03-12, 13:45
Thanks both - although I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, it is comforting to know that i am not alone.

is there an answer to this or do we just have to live with it???????

14-03-12, 13:56
Just one comment really...

"You can spend your life waiting to die or you can spend your life living"

I just made that up cos I think it is important to see how you view life. Are you waiting to die from something terrible or do you want to live your life to the full?

Something to think about.

You could try CBT as that is the NHS NICE guidelines treatment for HA.

14-03-12, 16:56
Hey i am exactly the same..i always think if im at work i will feel better but like you said i go to the toilet and start proding things on my body and self checking myself all the time..it makes me feel sick and i get tummy ache..it was my birthday on monday and i couldnt enjoy the day because of health anxiety..i have two young children i want to enjoy my life with them but i find myself worrying constantly that im dying from something! Wish i wasnt like this!i feel your pain x

14-03-12, 17:47
My mother had a better quality of life during her 9 years with cancer than I had in the 2 years that I suffered from anxiety.

14-03-12, 21:20
Just a suggestion, read up on pureepa supplements, this may help.

15-03-12, 10:55
Im exactly the same. It's so sad as we are not enjoying our lives are we. No advise just no your not alone x

15-03-12, 12:03
oh i to have this i worry all time about cancer heartattack stroke blood clot. just illness all the time. i havelost a stone in weight over 5 wks i have had bllodtest done so awiting them ijust keep thnking it gona be bad news like cancer or summit. i cant eat cuz feel so sick and ill all the time.