View Full Version : Palps

Carl C
14-03-12, 14:41
Hi all, i received a copy of a letter sent from the hospital to my doctor after being sent there for palpitations.all tests came back fine although the letter said i seemed to be suffering from short paroxysyms of atrial fibrillation. is this just a posh way of saying its just palpitations or does it mean something else ?

14-03-12, 21:29
Hi, I have no idea what that is but has the doctor recommended further tests or treatment? If not then I wouldn't worry but you deserve an explanation of what it is, without having to look it up on the net and scaring yourself so why not ask for a gp appointment to discuss it?

Carl C
15-03-12, 20:24
the cardiologist was happy that there was nothing wrong and said he wouldnt need to see me again. i found out that short paroxysyms of atrial fibrillations is when when your heart beats very fast for a short time and that most people with anxiety suffer with it.
i dont think doctors understand that someone with anxiety needs to have every detail explained to them when they go for tests. in my experience there scared to even mention the word anxiety.

Rachel W
16-03-12, 01:50
a quick question about palps. I get them occasionally but with me they are just an irregularity and I feel a falling strange sensation in my chest just for a few beats and when I feel my pulse it seems like missed beats. Is this also a normal palp? I have heard they can either be a quickening or the occasional missed beats so just wondering.

Carl C
16-03-12, 18:38
according to my doctor palps are normal, we all get them. the only difference is when we start to worry that we may have a problem with our hearts we tune into our heat beat. we become more sensitive to whats going on inside and notice any little change.

18-03-12, 14:01
As long as your palpitations have been recorded and examined by your doctor you should have no problem, if you are still concerned request an ultrasound.


Good bit of info there on palpitations etc... Good community too
