View Full Version : Been so ill since Friday with a terrible bug and now urinating prob back :(

14-03-12, 15:14
Hi all
Just felt like I wanted a rant, sorry, it was my birthday at the weekend and I've had the most terrible bug ever being sick and the runs, I can honestly say it's the worst I have ever felt :( so I've had sickness, the runs and now I've got the frequent urination back :((( I hate my life, do you think the imodium I'm taking could be upsetting my urinary system also since this bug on Friday I have got terrible wind! help me I hate this health anxiety I haven't noticed the urinating as much while I've felt sick, but now it's back with vengeance!
Jayne xx

14-03-12, 15:27
well i think you have answered your own question...............:whistles:

Youve not noticed it cuz youve been focused on something else now your prob on the mend your aware of it

<3 Pearl xxx

15-03-12, 17:43
You've had the winter vimitting bug! I had exactly the same too. I wouldnt take imodium let it all come out of your system. I had wind and bloating about a week after it went which apparent is a form of IBS that can hapen during a tummy bug. Leave the imodium and drink lots of peppermint tea. It cleanses the stomach and eases all those symptoms, The frequent urination is anxiety.

An old HA pro of 15 years!

15-03-12, 21:56
Thanks robocop I will try the peppermint tea see if it settles my stomach, the urinating thing is driving me mad, I cam accept that this is a anxiety symptom but it's still very annoying lol, also have to wee a few times at bight which stops me having a good sleep! Have you any good advice for helping to get to sleep and stay asleep??
Jayne xx

16-03-12, 16:07
Hi Jayne!

Sorry for the slow reply. Tips for sleeping hmm. Well some relaxing music can help (there is a link to some of mine on my website!) but classical is better. I would avoid anything prescription as they are addcitive. Nytol herbal has valerian and hops and is pretty safe. It will make you feel a little calmer. Also counting backwards in your head with eyes closed is good too.. ANything else message me il get straight back!