View Full Version : Sun bed and seratonin

14-03-12, 17:05
Does anyone use a sun bed and is it possible they can raise seretonin levels at all?:)

14-03-12, 17:34
I thought it was exposure to light that could help serotonin levels, as in use of a SAD light, rather than a sunbed (which is UV light, so wouldn't this just help raise vitamin D levels?).

14-03-12, 17:40
I dont know really...im trying to think of ideas of raising serotonin levels without exercise lol

14-03-12, 17:43
Wrong sort of light - SAD box is what you need

14-03-12, 17:50
thankyou laura48 x:)

14-03-12, 18:43
The sun bed will just give you cancer so don't use that lol

blue moon
14-03-12, 22:50
Yes Sunbed very dangerous it does cause skin cancers,eat well balanced diet plenty fruit.
Petra x:)

rock chick
15-03-12, 03:31
Yeah I'd avoid a sunbed because of the possible risks but also because I have pale skin (freckle chick) and sunburn easily, I'd possibly end up wanting to kick it after ending up red rather than with a tan.

15-03-12, 09:25
I agree with earlier comments that sunbeds are not a good idea but I do use a sad light and it does help me with my energy levels. If I miss using it for a day or two I notice a dip in energy.
I can't really comment on whether it helps my depression as I came off effexor just over 12 weeks ago and have been having a really bad time and although my depression is lifting I don't know if this would of happened over time anyway. I also use 5htp to raise my serotonin levels and notice a dip in mood if I stop taking it for a day.

If using a sad lamp it should be 10,000 lux to have any benefit and these lamps are not cheap so it is a bit of a risk buying one if you don't know if it will work but it could still be cheaper than the cost of using a sunbed long term. I think some places do hire them out if you wanted to try one.
The one I use recommends using it for 20 to 30 minutes a day close up but I don't sit so close and use mine for 50 to 60 minutes a day.


15-03-12, 10:54
i agree with earlier comments that sunbeds are not a good idea but i do use a sad light and it does help me with my energy levels. If i miss using it for a day or two i notice a dip in energy.
I can't really comment on whether it helps my depression as i came off effexor just over 12 weeks ago and have been having a really bad time and although my depression is lifting i don't know if this would of happened over time anyway. I also use 5htp to raise my serotonin levels and notice a dip in mood if i stop taking it for a day.

If using a sad lamp it should be 10,000 lux to have any benefit and these lamps are not cheap so it is a bit of a risk buying one if you don't know if it will work but it could still be cheaper than the cost of using a sunbed long term. I think some places do hire them out if you wanted to try one.
The one i use recommends using it for 20 to 30 minutes a day close up but i don't sit so close and use mine for 50 to 60 minutes a day.


thankyou for that xx