View Full Version : anxiety and bein a mum and feeling like a complete failure to your kids

sherylee xx
14-03-12, 18:25
how do you mums cope with crippling health anxiety which leaves you to scared to even play with your children for fear of over exertin yourself and dyin!! sounds crazy huh?? but i deal with this alot and im failing my children hugely :( they dont understand why mummy wont run about in the garden with them etc i feeel so bad and want to know am i alone with this??:weep: xx

14-03-12, 19:27
ah you sound like me im always thinking im about to die when i know deep down im not its my own silly mind doing this to me i do feel guilty that i cant spend as much time with them as i want but i do try to make sure i spend some time with them but its hard when your feeling really anxious and they dont understand, as long as your spending time each day with them even if its just half an hour they are getting your time were not failures our kids are loved so much and well looked after :)

sherylee xx
14-03-12, 19:38
aw thankyou hun for helpin me see it in a way i havent before :) my kids know i love them dearly and i do spend time with them every day i spose it was just not bein able to be as active as i was like id climb trees with my eldest and roll around in the mud and get mucky with him and that and now i cant cause of the worry i just want to sit in the chair and stay still :( but your so right hun aslong as we spend time with them maybe not exactly how wed like to but but aslong as we do and they know we love them :) xx

14-03-12, 19:44
yep exactly and also its nearly summer so you might be in a better mind not thinkin of ha as much (i know i always am then) and want to do all that x

sherylee xx
14-03-12, 21:25
yeah true hun i always feel better in the summer iv had bad anxiety before (not health related) and always felf alot better in the summer :) xx

14-03-12, 21:26
Sherylee I was like that for a long time, my little boy loves football and likes me and his dad to play it with him sometimes and I was scared to exert myself in case something bad happened but one day we rode our bikes up to the top of this hill and on the way down we just went really fast and it was the most exhilarating feeling ever! I just thought to myself -wow I feel alive - and felt this happiness that I could share all this with him. Since then I just let go and dont let the thoughts bother me, and sometimes when playing football I will worry about my heart or my head and then just focus on the enjoyment of it rather than any fears and it takes it away x