View Full Version : Shooting head pains on straining, buzzing... First post!

14-03-12, 19:15
Hello all, I've been reading through a few of the threads here and have found some of them quite helpful. I am a 20 y/o female suffering from a worsening anxiety disorder, mainly health anxiety. But what is worrying me the most is these horrible head pains.

I get them intermittently as stabs of pain, always in the same place at the back of head on the left. They feel as if my skull is being hammered from the inside. I first got them when I was straining on the toilet due to constipation and I was terrified I had damaged a blood vessel or something. I get them occasionally now and they scare me so much I can barely bring myself to leave the house. I have been to 3 doctors who all told me it was just my anxiety and muscle pain from tension in my jaw, neck and shoulders. My own GP tried to convince me that I don't have an aneurysm/brain tumor etc but I can't believe him. Recently when I lie down my brain feels like its vibrating and i can hear my pulse in my ears when i think about it. I'm so scared that any minute I'm just going to drop dead or something and I'm constantly anxious about getting the pains. I can't sleep and have been reduced to taking valium before bed.

My GP scheduled an MRI for me, although he says he is almost certain there is no organic cause for my symptoms. I just feel so scared, does anyone else get this, or have any idea what might be causing it?

14-03-12, 21:17
Yes for years. Stabbing pains, aches,heaviness. Every now and again without any warning I get a weird vibration, it leaves me disorentated. All anxiety

14-03-12, 21:22
Yes, all sorts of head things which are scary such as very short stabbing pains, dizziness, dull ache at back of head, eye pains, all the way through to full blown migraines lasting 24 hours. I'm too scared to see a doctor about it though :scared15: Must say though that I hardly get any of those things anymore.

Thats good you're getting an MRI, hope it goes ok.

15-03-12, 02:57
I have the same type of pain as well but mine is chronic...start to have weirds head pain back in 2010 once in a while a now have it each day... I had a MRI who was negative and was also told it tension from neck, jaw and shoulder...had a cortisone injection in the neck with no improve and try a lot of meds to decrease the pain with no luck..

I also have constipation and strain too much on the toilet and I think its increasing my pain as well but laxative do nothing on me so I have to strain even if its not good...

What I can say is the more you focus on the pain and fear it and the more you will feel and have it...sadly Im still freak out and very tired of those head pains and weird feelings inside my head like someone play with my brain...

Health anxiety is devasting my life...have no life for now only go out for Doc appointments...Thats a vicious circle and anxiety related for sure...even if I cant myself beleive its only anxiety... you are not alone to feel like this and we will survive! Keep faith!

15-03-12, 19:12
Just realised it could be sinusitis... Which the doctor practically prescribed me with. But would that not cause headaches in the front of the face/forehead? Also thank you for your replies, much appreciated :) feeling a bit better, might even try going out tonight for a while!