View Full Version : moving far from entire support system

14-03-12, 21:39
hello everyone,

so my boyfriend of three years and I are moving from New York to Los Angeles. ive been having the worst year of my life mentally. in and out of mental hospitals and out patient programs, searching for the right medications for my bi polar and anxiety disorders. I have come a long way. and I believe that the move will be very beneficial. The idea of being on my own with my boyfriend who is very supportive and wants to help me become an adult is encouraging. but there are only two things in the world that ease my anxiety as of the present day. Benzos, and my parents. I am scared to be away from my mom and dad. they are precious and im scared what if something horrid happens god forbid. and not only that im scared of flying and i want to visit as much as possible but 3,000 miles is far and i will be working and going to school and in therapy full time. I think i need to take it as it comes but i cant help but over analyze. if anyone has had a similiar experience or can shed some light on my situation thatd be amazing.. thanks for any support loves. <3 :D

15-03-12, 10:28
I think that you are very brave making a new start after the year you've been having. I think you have to be prepared for it to be very difficult to start with and something you will have to learn to get used to. I think you should try and allow yourself to feel sad about it and know that its ok and normal to be homesick. Try putting some things in place to help too.. Maybe decide a regular time when you call so you know you can speak to your folks later that day and also if its possible try webcam contact or skype. Its not the same as being there but you will get to see them at least. It also gives you something to look forward to if you feel low or sad. Allowing yourself to miss them and knowing its fine may help too..... Good luck