View Full Version : Somebody plz help :(

14-03-12, 22:18
How do i explain this?

First of all I'm glad to find a forum where people can gather and talk about their problems and hopefully get help and support. This is something to thank for.

I've been suffering with anxiety(panic attacks) for about 5 years now. I'm 19. I have a good life and I don't even complain. I have a wonderful girlfriend and a great family. I unfortunately stopped going to college because it was just driving me completely nuts. I cant even go to work cause of what im currently feeling.

Medication background

I took 20 mg of Celexa for about 3 years, and I was just switched to 40 mg about a week and a half ago. Reason for the switch was because the 20mg wasn't working for me anymore, and i started to feel very depressed and loss interest in almost everything. The anxiety was terrible. Anyway, I'm currently on 40mg/night and I have never felt worse. For the past 5 days, I've felt like my heads going to explode, there's this constant pressure on my forehead and the top of my skull, everything is capable of making me feel sad and down in the dumps, I absolutely can't concentrate cause I'm way to anxious to think straight, I'm always tired and just want to hide from the world and sleep, I've been having very lucid and weird dreams, i feel like I'm going to lose control and never find myself again. Yes, I exaggerate a lot. :unsure:

I was given the option to take an Ativan family medication which was suppose to calm me down until the Celexa 40mg starts to work. I refused taking this last one because I was warned I can get addicted and that it is dangerous. I want someone to tell me if should lower the meds or keep waiting until the 40mg kicks in, cause so far i haven't felt nothing but worse than before. Do I just need to wait more? Will the meds eventually start working? What are your thoughts on jumping from 20mg to 40mg of Celexa?

Thank you.

14-03-12, 22:43
Hi im not on any meds trying to do it alone but only from what ive read in other threads u should give it a few weeks to see if it kicks in its supposed to take a few weeks sorry i cant be more helpful x

14-03-12, 23:22
Hi there.. I'm so sorry to hear about your experience.. I'm 18 myself, and I know how hard it is facing a genuine mental illness when you're a teenager. I feared that I would be catagorised into the whole "hormonal teenager" group. I respect that it's something much more than that. As far as you're feeling, I'm almost certain that they're just side effects. When I started out on Citalopram, I went from never swallowing a tablet in my whole life (even paracetamol and ibuprofen, etc), to being on 20mg daily. For the first week or so, I was so ill. I was experiencing head pains like you are describing and my mood was so, so much worse. I had no idea how the medication could possibly be helping, because not only did my depression and anxiety seem magnified by 200%, but I was also feeling really sick. Anyway, after two or so weeks, the side effects had disappeared, and moments of genuine happiness and content made their way into my life. If you're really concerned, speak to your Doctor, but don't alter your dose without consent, you may even feel worse. I'm really genuinely so sorry that you're feeling this way, but I really do believe that it's just your body readjusting to the strength of the drug. It will kick in soon, I promise. Hang in there dear, and take care of yourself. Let me know how you get on over the next few days!


14-03-12, 23:31
hi, must agree with the last post....this sounds like side effects to me!!! meds take a good few weeks to settle in, and i know when i first started taking mine i felt lower than i ever had before suddenly i felt dramtically better than i had in a while. Also DREAMS.....i have always had very vivid dreams and meds defo accelerated and increased what i now call my "anxiety dreams" (so realistic.....).

Anyway, my best advice is get back to your doc explain everything, but imagine you will find that its judt your body adjusting to the meds...... good luck, keep posting.... you will find much help, support and advice.

16-03-12, 02:34
Thank you all :) it makes me feel good to read your posts. I really hope its just the side effects of the meds and that they will soon kick in. I'll keep u all up with info:blush: