View Full Version : Hand cramping / pins and needles at night

15-03-12, 06:55
Hello all
And sorry if you've heard this before. I'm just really worried about my hands. I'm woken by pins and needles / cramping in my left hand several times at night, I have to shake my arm to get it back to normal. I often wake up with pins and needles in both hands. Sometimes because I've slept on them wrong, but sometimes not.

I don't have carpal tunnel, but I do have problems with my neck.
I have a hard time believing this is all due to anxiety, since it only happens at night.
Any thoughts?

15-03-12, 08:50
Hi Katie, the median nerve responsible for carpal tunnel can cause referred neck pain: http://ezinearticles.com/?Neck-Pain---Carpal-Tunnel-Syndrome---Tingling&id=575088

Did you do what I suggested and see a different doctor for further tests and a second opinion?

15-03-12, 17:55
Hi Crystal, and thanks for your response in the previous thread. :hugs:

I have deciced to give it a few weeks, since I just started on fluoxetine, exercise + a healthier diet, so I'm waiting to see if there's any effect. My neck is in knots but I still don't have actual pain in my hands. I still don't believe I have carpal tunnel, but time will tell. I'm hoping I don't have to go back with this problem, but if I do I'm hoping for carpal tunnel! :)

Thanks again!

15-03-12, 20:14
Yeah good idea, give it a while and then see if it disappears on its own. It could be a trapped nerve in the neck - have you thought of going to get a massage? I'm a trained massage therapist (how I developed carpal tunnel lol) and saw many people with your kind of symptoms and massage really helped them.