View Full Version : red line after blood test

15-03-12, 09:12
Hi-need some reassurance please!
I had a blood test on Tuesday & my arm hurt abit yesterday-not unusual. Then I woke up this morning looked at it & there was a red line going up my arm, it just looked like I had scratched it. Having HA I knew that this wasn't a good sign so I got straight down the doctors & fortunately they had an immediate appt. The Doctor looked at it & said that just looks like a scratch, normally with an infection it is much deeper & that my arm wasn't swollen or anything. She told me to just keep an eye on it.
So now I'm just trying really hard not to 2nd guess her & be worried about it but I feel so anxious that it's a blood infection & I need antibiotics asap! Has anyone had anything similar? I really need to trust her opinion but am finding it so hard.
Seffie x

15-03-12, 11:03
Hi there

If you had an infection that was bad enough to track up your arm, you would more than likely be in a lot of pain, and be feeling extremely unwell. The only time I've ever had a red line was when I got an infection in my foot and it was so painful I culd hardly walk!

Hope this helps

20-03-12, 20:17
Hi Blueangel,
I'm sorry, I just realised I never posted a reply to you to thank you for your post! Obviously it wasn't blood poisoning after all & a couple of days later I could see that actually I had scratched my arm & not realised it! Feel really embarrassed about rushing to see the doctor now-bet she thought I was a right hypochondriac!
Anyway, thanks again.
Seffie x