View Full Version : male issue - prostate problem?

15-03-12, 09:29
Hi - I would like to know if any of the men on here have had this. I have a strange sensation of discomfort that comes and goes in my perineum area (between testicles and anus) I also sometimes feel a need to urinate even if my bladder is empty. My urine has been tested and there is no sign of infection. I have read that this could be a sign of prostatitis (inflamed prostate) and stress can be the cause.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar?

15-03-12, 09:57
I had this problem some years back and was told it was Prostatitus. However, it turned out to be due to my coccyx (tailbone) putting presure on the sheet of muscles that lay between the testicles and anus. This can happen if you've had a previous injury to the coccyx or ride a bike very often (no doubt with a hard or uncomfortable sadle)!

It did eventually go away but was very painful at the time.

15-03-12, 10:59
Thanks for that Horse. I used to do a lot of cycling but haven't for at least five months. I am only 34 and prostate issues do not run in my family. I can only think that stress is the cause of this problem.. I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has had this..

15-03-12, 13:47
Hi there
I have had exactly this on more than a few occassions. I too was advised it was prostatitis, but it stayed for a long while and I was prescribed antibiotics, which didnt always work. Feels as if you have a golf ball stuck down there doesn't it? Really uncomfortable to sit on! Problem is, you then start adjusting your posture and it throws everything out of kilter, so your back, hips and thighs all ache. Mine was certainly brought on by stress/anxiety. As unsavoury as it sounds your GP can perform a simple test (yes, we all know the one!) it takes seconds and is fine. Get it done, and you will find that your tension will ease and things improve. It's not always a quick condition to get over though and can recur, so be patient. I became so paranoid that I has a PSI (i think) blood test, which you can ask for to check the prostate hormone level, and then an ultrasound scan. All clear of course, but GPs are pretty ok with doing it.
I do sympathise as it can be very uncomfortable, esp if you have to sit all day at work. I used a cushion under my thighs, which helped. I too used to cycle alot and more recently use a motorbike to get to work. I was told that these aggravate the condition And make you more susceptable.
I think that this is one condition where the tests are so simple and GP's are cool about referring, that I would suggest getting it all done so that you can then start clearing the backlog of anxiety from your head.
All the best, let us know how it goes.

15-03-12, 14:18
Thanks for the post Ant. It makes sense that this is stress related because I went through a lot of anxiety recently and the muscles in your pelvis must be affected just like the muscles in your neck and chest during times of high stress. All that tension down there must irritate the prostate slightly but I'm not in any pain. If it persists I will talk to a doctor about it..