View Full Version : Acid reflux,scope or not?

15-03-12, 16:33
I have suffered with acid reflux now for 3 years on and off, all this time I have been on omeprazole 20mg,this helped quell the heartburn and made life bearable.

Recently I have been having issues with phlegm and a feeling of tightness in my throat. Most the dic I saw just said its fine but finally I got a doc to listen and will refer fr a scope.

Now I have a fe questions,

1, is the phlegm related to acid? If so why is it there even with omeprazole

2,how long does it take for acid to damage the Esophogus and bring on barretts?

3,why can't I drink alcohol and hot tea without ludicrous amounts of thick glue type phlegm?

4, how long does a referral normally take? Been waking 14 days and no letter yet?

5, should I have a scope and is t best with sedation r without?

6, any one else get this and been tested by gastroentologist?

7,have I got cancer in the Esophogus and or barrets?

Thanks in advance or the replies,funny thing is in the past I'd have worried that much I'd be down a&e but thank god my anxiety is at a good level......touch wood.


15-03-12, 17:36
Hello Mike, I believe the throat is being protected by the phlegm. I seem to feel worse after hot drinks even green tea, so maybe try it on e it has cooled. Alcohol is also an irritant. Regarding the scope I couldn't wait for the referral letter, it never arrived so I went private. Even once the letter is through it can be a 4 month waiting list. To sedate or not if you can stand pain discomfort and fingers down your throat, gagging and are scared of sedation then go without. I was sedated and came around half way through and feeling it in my gullet for a second was distressing until they gave me more sedative. I believe it takes more than 3 years of acid to cause the damage you are worrying about. Sorry about typos etc as my PC has been hacked :(

15-03-12, 22:49
I have a hiatus hernia and have been taking the older anti ulcer drugs for 20 years.
I personally would have a scope as this will reassure you greatly that you have no damage or barratts. I had been taking my meds for about 15 years without ever being referred for a scope and then I read about barratts and asked my Dr and he said he would send me for one and this was when i was told i Have hiatus hernia.
I had another one 2 years ago due to a peristant cough ( was due to tight neck muscles from neck arthritis!).

If you have it done without sedation it is very unpleasant ( my cousin said never again) and my friend just could not swallow the camera unsedated so had to be sedated anyway.

I always always ask for max sedation and then I know absolutely nothing about the proceedure at all- I lay down they put the sedation in and next minute I am sitting up and a nurse is talking to me- wonderful. its worth having to spend an extra hour at the hospital!

The gastro said to me that cancer of oesophagus is very rare in anyone under 60 and only 1% of barratts patients go on to develop cancer.
I have a friend with barratts and she has a scope every 2 years and so far is fine - she was diagnosed 8 years ago.

So I would have the scope - have the sedation and ask for max and then you will know whats causing what.

16-03-12, 16:14
Don't know all the answers to your questions, but I woul have the scope with the sedation. If you feel the letter is late in coming call in health centre to inquire if the referal letter has been sent to the Hosp --or ring them
All the best