View Full Version : Sinusitis complications?

15-03-12, 19:21
I think i might have chronic sinusitis and I'm terrified it could develop into meningitis or something.. Does anyone know if this is rare?

15-03-12, 19:47
It's very very rare :)
That's what the doctor told me once.

And I guess it doesn't come to that state in normal sinusitis conditions. So no worries about it.

15-03-12, 20:29
Thank you :)

15-03-12, 21:09
I've never even heard of that happening! You could always just get a meningitis vaccine. It's required over here if you go to college usually.

I've had sinusitis issues for the past year on and off all due to allergies. Have you been tested for allergies? Then an antihistamine may make your life a lot better!

16-03-12, 07:08
I used to suffer with chronic sinus issues, still do slightly.

An ENT surgeon told me in all of his career he'd not seen a case of complications. It's more common with chronic ear infections. I was worrying alot too.