View Full Version : twitching and falling whilst nearly asleep

15-03-12, 20:31
Does anyone suffer from twitching, feels like my whole body just wants to twitch, ALSO i cant sleeep i will be nearly a sleep and my whole body jumps or jerks, then im awake its happened 5 times to me and scaring the hell out of me/

16-03-12, 04:32
Yes, I get this, it drives me nuts. Just doze off, then jerk and I'm awake again. Takes ages to relax and drift off again. It can happen several times a night.

16-03-12, 14:16
Hi it's called hypnic jerk. It's cos your muscles need to learn how to relax more during the day. Nothing to worry about.

16-03-12, 22:56
Me too, often accompanied by a vivid dream that I'm tripping, missing a step, treading in a hole (or one funny one a few weeks ago, being smacked in the face by a branch!) or think I hear a loud noise. Had this all my life, apparently it is totally "normal" and as LittleMissSleepy says nothing to worry about. It's just the natural process of the mind switching off.

It seems to be worse for me if I've had a coffee/tea in the evening or am not tired, so in other words don't fall asleep quite as quickly as I should.

16-03-12, 22:59
its common when you are in the phase of just about to fall asleep