View Full Version : Had to get my dog put to sleep/so sad

15-03-12, 23:06
Hello I know its not really a anxiety problem(I do have anxiety) but we had to have my dog Ted put to sleep today and I am devastated he was almost 13 and i have had him since he was a tiny puppy he was one of the family my 6 yr old is really upset,he was a golden reteriver and he was so gentle and such a cheeky thing but we loved him things are going to be strange without him for a good while,just woundered if any one else had lost a pet, just feel low at the minute, toria xx

15-03-12, 23:24
Toria :hugs:
I am so sorry to hear this and lots of us here will understand how distressed you must feel .
Losing a well loved family pet is awful my love .they become family and are there for us always .


take care xxx

15-03-12, 23:31
Firstly, I am so, so sorry. Truly. I have three dogs and I love them more than most humans. I really do. I bet he was a wonderful boy :) Pets enrich our lives and provide us with companionship, emotional support, and unconditional love. Given the intense bond most of us share with our animals, it’s natural to feel devastated by feelings of grief and sadness when a pet dies. You may also feel shocked, confused, angry, or have trouble sleeping or difficulty focusing. While there is no right or wrong way to grieve, there are healthy ways to cope with the pain. Some people may not understand the depth of feeling you had for your pet, but you should never feel guilty or ashamed about grieving for an animal friend. The key to coping is to accept your feelings and embrace the emotions you feel.

Grieving is a personal and highly individual experience. Some people find grief comes in stages, where they experience different feelings such as denial, anger, guilt, depression, and eventually acceptance and resolution. Others find that grief is more cyclical, coming in waves, or a series of highs and lows. The lows are likely to be deeper and longer at the beginning and then gradually become shorter and less intense as time goes by. Still, even years after a loss, a sight, a sound, or a special anniversary can spark memories that trigger a strong sense of grief.

The grieving process happens only gradually. It can’t be forced or hurried—and there is no “normal” timetable for grieving. Some people start to feel better in weeks or months. For others, the grieving process is measured in years. Whatever your grief experience, it’s important to be patient with yourself and allow the process to naturally unfold.
Feeling sad, frightened, or lonely is a normal reaction to the loss of a beloved pet. Exhibiting these feelings doesn’t mean you are weak, so you shouldn’t feel ashamed.
Trying to ignore your pain or keep it from surfacing will only make it worse in the long run. For real healing, it is necessary to face your grief and actively deal with it. By expressing your grief, you’ll likely need less time to heal than if you withhold or “bottle up” your feelings. Write about your feelings and talk with others about them.

Just, take your time. I know it's hard, but try and find happiness in the fact that your dog lived a long and fulfilling life and was loved very much. My thoughts are with you!


15-03-12, 23:47
Hi Toria, so sorry to hear your sad news...it's the hardest thing in the world to make that awful decision to have your beloved pet put to sleep. Try not to feel guilty as you know you done what was best. They really are a part of the family and your feelings will be all over the place. Just try and remember that Ted is no longer suffering. When I had my cat put to sleep, we brought her home and burried her in the garden. I found that really helpful as I know she is 'still here'.

I can't compete with soulcrosses eloquent and touching reply but I do know what it feels like so I am sending hugs :hugs: to help you at this sad time xxx

macc noodle
15-03-12, 23:57
So sorry that you have had to pit your beloved pet to sleep.

I know how hard it is and am sending you big hugs.

blue moon
16-03-12, 00:13
So sorry.I know how sad it is I had to leave 2 dogs behind and put sleep when i move here to Aus it very heartbreaking.I cannot have dog I have no fence to keep in.:weep:
Love Petra x:flowers:

16-03-12, 00:35
I'm so sorry to hear that. I had a lovely greyhound girl for 9 yrs and I lost her two years ago! I had a "relapse" shortly afterwards (there were other issues going on in my life as well) but I'm positive this contributed hugely to my relapse. My Psychiatrist said that the death of a pet was a "huge thing", proper bereavement and probably did contribute to my decline.

You become so attached to them and they are part of your family.

I understand completely how you feel and you have my sympathy at this difficult time.

Take care.
Haz. :hugs:

---------- Post added at 00:35 ---------- Previous post was at 00:23 ----------

Toria :hugs:
I am so sorry to hear this and lots of us here will understand how distressed you must feel .
Losing a well loved family pet is awful my love .they become family and are there for us always .


take care xxx

Oh, the tears are streaming down my face after watching this. :weep:

blue moon
16-03-12, 00:47
Toria :hugs:
I am so sorry to hear this and lots of us here will understand how distressed you must feel .
Losing a well loved family pet is awful my love .they become family and are there for us always .


take care xxx

:weep::weep::weep: That lovely snowgoose x:weep:

16-03-12, 06:53
Thankyou all for your lovely replys they have helped loads it means alot,just feel quite numb this morning and havent sleept well but lets hope it gets better,Ted had a long and happy life ijust keep remembering that, thanks again all your words are lovely and have helped toria xxx

16-03-12, 08:25
Sorry to hear that, I know how much it hurts, they are part of the family and it takes a while to get over it.

16-03-12, 08:41
So sorry to hear about your dog - Ted - I know exactly how you are feeling - numb - my beloved westie girl died suddenly before Christmas - right in front of me in the middle of the night - it was such a shock - she was my best friend, had her from a pup and she was nearly 14. Do not feel ashamed to cry or talk about her - I even had to visit my doctor and it is taken seriously. Lots of love and hugs to you :hugs:Laura x

eternally optimistic
16-03-12, 09:00

So sorry to hear your news.

It is absolutely devastating when you lose a pet. They are
a family member and is very upsetting.

I know early days for you but, when our dog passed away we created a little garden, a few plants that were flowering and that helped our children - doing some purposeful.

Best wishes to you.

16-03-12, 09:06
sorry about your loss its really awful losing a pet. Have you read the poem "rainbow bridge" you'll find it on line
Its a great comfort

Love Joy

16-03-12, 09:11
Toria, I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to Ted. He has crossed Rainbow Bridge now and will be safe and loved and happy with others until you meet again.

I read a book about people who had 'died' for a few minutes and been resuscitated, where they reported to doctors what they had glimpsed of the Other Side. One man said, 'All the dogs of my life came running to greet me.'

I firmly believe this is what will happen when I pass one day. A lovely happy reunion. Ted is not gone forever, he is only elsewhere and you will be reunited one day. :hugs:

16-03-12, 09:57
im sorry to hear this, sending you big ((((hugs)))) xxxxx

16-03-12, 10:21
I am so sorry that you have lost your much loved friend Ted. They leave such a huge hole in our lives these 4 legged pals. They love and accept us no matter our mood, foibles and peculiarities. Remember all the fun times you shared and take comfort that you did your best for him right up to the end. Ted will always be with you in your heart.

16-03-12, 11:46
hi Toria, so sorry to hear about the loss of your buddy. I have lost three of my dogs in three years, so i can empathise with you, its very hard to accept but you gave him 13 wonderful years, after my dogs were PTS I made memory albums for them, with pictures and captions, it really helped me accept the loss. You have lost a member of your family so your going to be devastated but with time the pain will ease even though you may not think so now. take care

16-03-12, 11:54
Hi Toria, sorry to hear your sad news, sending you :bighug1:

16-03-12, 16:38
Would really like to say a big thankyou to you all your words have helped more than anything, I have cried while reading them but only because it is so nice to read them and to no people understand, I went out earlier and when i came back in so used to him greeting me it was hard, it will be little things i will have to get used to, thnaks again toria xx