View Full Version : Just want some reassurance

Rachel W
16-03-12, 01:40
Hi, I was frying raw potato slices in a shallow pan and when I put them in the oil spat a little. I felt the tiniest spot of oil hit my eye, but as an immediate response I blinked and there was no more pain. I looked at my eye carefully with a light but there doesn't seem to be any marks and as I said as soon as I blinked it was over (a split second). For some reason I have freaked a little over it and worry that there might be a tiny burn and what if it gets infected. I get the odd twinge but I think that is because I have been poking on and off.

I can't see how it didn't burn a little as I felt a spot if pain for the tiniest moment, but then it was gone. If it was burned wouldn't it have still hurt, at least for a little while?


16-03-12, 04:23
Yes, if it was burned, it would hurt and you would know about it.

Rachel W
16-03-12, 15:16
thanks. My eye seems fine this morning so I will stop worrying. :)